Women Health

Women Health

“Everyone thinks I’m flirting”: Girls about cold allergies

LIFE IN A WIDE LAND WHERE IS COLD AT LEAST SIX A YEAR requires special endurance – and if there are no problems with central heating and adequate clothing these days, then not everyone’s skin is cold tolerant. We asked several heroines with a hypersensitivity to cold about how it manifests itself, and asked immunologists to explain if […]

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Women Health

“Woman’s suit”: Why athletes still wear uncomfortable clothes

THIS WEEK TENNIS PLAYER ALIZE CORNE , without leaving the court, changed her jersey during the US Open match – and, to her surprise, received a warning from the referee . He, in turn, followed a long-standing rule, which the United States Tennis Association thought of canceling after the incident. This case once again reminds that women’s sports still remain monstrously […]

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Women Health

HEALTHHow to Help Yourself in Spring: 9 Investments in Health

In the spring, you want to do something useful for yourself – and this is a good idea, because preventing a problem or illness is usually easier and cheaper than treating or fixing it later. We will tell you what healthy things and procedures are worth investing in instead of a curious, but not much useful genetic test or […]

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Women Health

Aggressive immunity: Why are autoimmune diseases more common in women

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES ARE MUCH MUCH MORE IN WOMEN than in men, and much less well-studied, perhaps because historically fewer resources have been devoted to studying women’s health risks. But in recent years, the picture has changed: technologies allow studying what is happening in the human body at a previously inaccessible level, and researchers have finally realized the importance of the problem of autoimmune diseases […]

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Women Health

Sun, semen and cold: 11 questions about allergies

ALLERGY ARISES WHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM produces antibodies – molecules that attack a specific substance, an allergen, as dangerous. It is believed that allergic conditions occur in about a quarter of people, and they can manifest themselves in very different ways. The mechanisms of allergy development have been studied well, but it has not yet been possible to understand why it […]

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Weight Loss
Women Health

Time to clean up the house

The time of self-isolation “for coronavirus reasons” is a great opportunity to push you to put things in order in your home. “At home” – in every sense: in the wardrobe, in thoughts, to stop and analyze your life, it’s time to learn new useful habits. This is what I plan to do. This set of “thank you, cap ” – […]

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Weight Loss
Women Health

Where to learn Nordic walking?

Scandinavian walking is not often mentioned on trendy fitness sites. But the market for such training is quite developed and active competition reigns in it. And all because they are in great demand among pensioners and people in need of physical rehabilitation – and these are clients predisposed to pay for the preservation of their health. Recently, […]

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Women Health

Disease propagation

Natural selection maximizes gene reproduction, not health.  The formation of the organism was not aimed at maximizing health or longevity, but at maximizing the spread of genes. Alleles (different variations of the same gene) that increase the number of offspring will spread in future generations, even if they shorten life and increase suffering. And this is not a […]

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Women Health

How to stop being offended?

When you stop being offended, they will stop hurting you. You will say: this does not happen. How can you not be offended when you hit the “live”? If you understand the origins of the origin of the offense, then there will be no need to be offended. So, what is in us that does not allow us […]

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Women Health

How to eat to live long

Some people live longer, some less. But, often, we take a person’s longevity as something that is self-evident, and do not think at all about what we eat. However, our nutrition can not only make us look younger, it can make us truly healthy and happy people. Many of us have heard a lot about “balanced diet”, […]

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