Neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain

Question to an expert: Can I drink while exercising?

We are used to searching online for ANSWERS TO MOST OF THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE ASKED US . In the new series of materials, we ask just such questions: burning, unexpected or common – to professionals in various fields.  Recently, the founder of the ballet studio, Alina Zvereva, talked about how she made the space for students comfortable – including […]

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Neuropathic pain

Anti-Abortion Extremism: Where Prolife Is Heading

We have already told WHY WITHDRAWAL OF ABORTION of the MMI system and especially their ban is dangerous and that medical abortion is safer, easier and cheaper than surgery (both for women and for the health care system). When people talk about regions where women have limited control over their bodies, they usually think of the Catholic countries of South America or the […]

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Neuropathic pain

Checklist: 14 foods you should always have at home

A universal set of products sounds about as unrealistic as a one-size-fits-all basic wardrobe. Each has its own dietary pattern (someone refuses meat, someone adheres to a vegan diet, someone does not eat dairy products), their favorite foods, food addictions and allergies. But we believe that it is possible to make life easier in the kitchen, and therefore […]

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Neuropathic pain

The taste of the future: Are there GMO products in Russia ?

ACCORDING TO VTsIOM , ALMOST 80% OF RUSSIANS CONSIDER genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ) dangerous and harmful to health. Such popular sentiments agree with the policy of the state: in Russia it is forbidden to grow and breed genetically modified plants and animals ( except for situations when this is done for the purpose of scientific research). The government also plans to gradually abandon the import of such products. “We definitely don’t need GMOs ” […]

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Neuropathic pain

Ho trovato un’altra proprietà unica dell’aspirina

I ricercatori americani hanno scoperto che piccole dosi di aspirina possono bloccare la formazione di placche amiloidi nel tessuto cerebrale . Finora, lo studio è stato condotto solo sui topi, ma gli scienziati sperano che il metodo funzioni anche per gli esseri umani.   Le placche che si formano nel tessuto cerebrale sono accumuli di peptidi beta-amiloidi che possono innescare […]

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Neuropathic pain
Weight Loss

Trovato una pianta che può prolungare la giovinezza

Esperimenti su animali hanno dimostrato che la famosa erba Ashitaba in Giappone può prolungare la giovinezza e aumentare l’aspettativa di vita del 20%. Durante l’esperimento, scienziati austriaci hanno scoperto che questa pianta produce una sostanza che può indurre le cellule del corpo a riciclare attivamente i “rifiuti proteici”.   Nel corso di numerosi studi, scienziati di tutto il mondo sono […]

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Neuropathic pain

Modification of human genes is almost a reality

MIT Technology Review editor-in-chief Antonio Regalado spoke with Harvard Medical School staff who specialize in the development of genetic modification techniques. The main conclusion to which he came is this: interference with human DNA is more a matter of ethics than a scientific problem. What interventions are permissible and what can they lead to? Is society ready for the fact […]

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Neuropathic pain


In anatomical terms, three sections are distinguished in the human ear .                 the outer ear, consisting of the auricle and the external auditory canal ;                  the middle ear, composed of the tympanic cavity and having appendages – the Eustachian tube and cells of the mastoid process;                     inner ear (labyrinth), consisting of a cochlea (part auditory), vestibule and semicircular canals (organ of equilibrium).        If we attach to this the auditory nerve from the periphery […]

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Neuropathic pain


Male genital organs In men , two seminal glands (testicles) and their appendages belong to the internal genital organs . The testicles are located in the right and left half of the scrotum. Their function is to produce seminal bodies (sperm). Spermatazoidov – it’s male gametes having a movable tail, through which are promoted through the female genital tract to meet the egg. The effluent from each egg vas […]

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Neuropathic pain

The structure and function of the skin

The skin is an organ with a very complex structure. Its area in an adult varies from 1.5 to 2 m. In different parts of the body, it has a different thickness – from 0.1 to 4 mm. The skin covering the back, skull, hips, feet and palms has the largest thickness (about 4 mm), and the […]

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