

Medical abortion

Recently we wrote about the methods : intrauterine devices and levonorgestrel drugs. We hope that our readers have already become comfortable with reliable methods of contraception, but situations are different – and unwanted pregnancy can still occur. The state is trying to reduce the prevalence of abortions , and we tell you what medical abortion is and why it is […]

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Intestinal candidiasis

It is an infectious lesion of the digestive tract, which is caused by the patient’s own fungal flora (Candidaspp.) Against the background of a severe weakening of the immune system. The reasons Experts identify two pathogenetic forms of intestinal candidiasis – invasive and non-invasive. Non-invasive intestinal candidiasis is a more common pathology, this type of […]

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fungal infection

Fluconazole or Ketoconazole?

What the Fluconazole or Ketoconazole at a fungus are better? At a disease of a fungal infection everyone has a need of the choice – drugs in drugstore, but it is necessary to choose that which will help in the shortest possible time and also has as little as possible side effects, half-yen and allylamine […]

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