Month: February 2021

Neuropathic pain

Ho trovato un’altra proprietà unica dell’aspirina

I ricercatori americani hanno scoperto che piccole dosi di aspirina possono bloccare la formazione di placche amiloidi nel tessuto cerebrale . Finora, lo studio è stato condotto solo sui topi, ma gli scienziati sperano che il metodo funzioni anche per gli esseri umani.   Le placche che si formano nel tessuto cerebrale sono accumuli di peptidi beta-amiloidi che possono innescare […]

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Neuropathic pain
Weight Loss

Trovato una pianta che può prolungare la giovinezza

Esperimenti su animali hanno dimostrato che la famosa erba Ashitaba in Giappone può prolungare la giovinezza e aumentare l’aspettativa di vita del 20%. Durante l’esperimento, scienziati austriaci hanno scoperto che questa pianta produce una sostanza che può indurre le cellule del corpo a riciclare attivamente i “rifiuti proteici”.   Nel corso di numerosi studi, scienziati di tutto il mondo sono […]

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Weight Loss
Women Health

Time to clean up the house

The time of self-isolation “for coronavirus reasons” is a great opportunity to push you to put things in order in your home. “At home” – in every sense: in the wardrobe, in thoughts, to stop and analyze your life, it’s time to learn new useful habits. This is what I plan to do. This set of “thank you, cap ” – […]

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Weight Loss
Women Health

Where to learn Nordic walking?

Scandinavian walking is not often mentioned on trendy fitness sites. But the market for such training is quite developed and active competition reigns in it. And all because they are in great demand among pensioners and people in need of physical rehabilitation – and these are clients predisposed to pay for the preservation of their health. Recently, […]

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Women Health

Disease propagation

Natural selection maximizes gene reproduction, not health.  The formation of the organism was not aimed at maximizing health or longevity, but at maximizing the spread of genes. Alleles (different variations of the same gene) that increase the number of offspring will spread in future generations, even if they shorten life and increase suffering. And this is not a […]

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Weight Loss

Palm oil: myths, tales and fears

Palm oil is a never-ending controversy. As soon as we have ceased to be afraid that the “palm” gets stuck in the vessels and is not digested. Now a new scandal flares up: a dangerous substance was found in palm oil – glycidyl ethers! Are we still being bullied? I am Olga Kosnikova , food technologist, let’s deal with all this.  Old stories about […]

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Women Health

How to stop being offended?

When you stop being offended, they will stop hurting you. You will say: this does not happen. How can you not be offended when you hit the “live”? If you understand the origins of the origin of the offense, then there will be no need to be offended. So, what is in us that does not allow us […]

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