
Antidepressants – drugs used for the treatment of major depressive disorder & other conditions, may be used for a wide range of psychiatric conditions.

The first practical training PMT.

For the convenience of learning, all the muscles of the body are divided into five groups: the muscles of the arms, legs, torso, neck and face. Imagine that you are in a room where five large lamps hang, and in the corner a small night light glows dimly. Lamps are muscle groups, and a nightlight […]

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Subsequent practical training on the method of PMT

Having mastered the formula of auto-suggestion for the muscles of the hands, one can proceed to the “turning off” of the muscles of the legs. They should be strained in the following way: while inhaling socks, slowly “take it upon yourself” and at the same time stretch half-heartedly (“stretch”) the muscles of the calf, thighs and […]

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 At the beginning of the 20th century, the father of Russian physiology, I.M. Sechenov proved that in case of physical exhaustion, first of all, muscles that did not work, not the heart that pumped blood through the vessels, did not breathe deeply into the lungs, but brain cells that sent activating impulses to the muscles […]

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Night sleep

A good night’s sleep is also a very important factor in recuperation. It is known that many suffer from sleep disorders. For immersion in a quiet night’s sleep, self-hypnosis formulas are suggested that are supposed to be connected after reaching the “screen” state of the brain. But you can do without checking your state with a “screen” of […]

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Role behavior, or which roles we choose

The essence of role-playing behavior is as follows: a person mentally imagines himself the main character of a movie, possessing those qualities that it is desirable for him to have in real life: for example, confidence, courage, composure, ability to communicate with others, etc. In other words, he mentally plays this role.  Before embarking on the […]

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Under toning is understood as such mental self-action , as a result of which the level of activity of the organism is put slightly higher than usual. If, after activation, a person returns to that state of health that he had before complacency, then the purpose of toning is to slightly exceed this level, to raise the spirits. […]

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Use and abuse of depressants

Now all over the world they use a huge amount of depressants. Today, benzodiazepines have become popular drugs for the treatment of insomnia and emotional disorders. Undoubtedly, these substances bring significant relief from such illnesses. It is also obvious that the use of benzodiazepines is associated with a much lower risk of physical dependence than […]

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Halcion: Calm or confusion?

Triazolam (Halcion) is a fast-acting benzodiazepine that appeared on the American market thanks to the company Upjohn in 1983, mostly as a sleeping pill. By the early 1980s, Halcion was providing peace of mind to millions of Americans and became the world’s best-selling soporific. The use of funds by President George W. Bush when he […]

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Tolerance and dependence

There is a tolerance to benzodiazepines and cross-tolerance between them and other depressants. The speed of tolerance to benzodiazepine depends on the dosage. The emergence of withdrawal syndrome associated with the rejection of benzodiazepines, is rarely observed, because large doses are necessary for its appearance. When abstinence syndrome is still observed, it is similar to […]

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Depressants and other drug enhancement

If depressants are considered in this context, they all tend to reinforce each other’s effects. That is, the effect of mixed doses is much higher than the standard dose of a single depressant and is difficult to predict. This moment is one of the most dangerous in the use of all drugs. A huge number […]

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