Night sleep

A good night’s sleep is also a very important factor in recuperation. It is known that many suffer from sleep disorders. For immersion in a quiet night’s sleep, self-hypnosis formulas are suggested that are supposed to be connected after reaching the “screen” state of the brain. But you can do without checking your state with a “screen” of a soothing color, if along the unhurried “off” of the muscles a sense of drowsiness arises as if by itself . Then immediately, without reaching the formula “State of pleasant (deep) peace,” you need to go to the sleep formulas:

1   There is a feeling of sleepiness …

2   Drowsiness increases … increases …

3   It is getting deeper and deeper …

4   It is pleasant to darken in the eyes …

5   More and more…

6   A dream comes … a dream … a dream … a peaceful sleep … a deep sleep … a continuous sleep …

In the last formula, if necessary, you can add words that define the time of awakening: for example, “sleep until 7 am …” At the same time, you must provide the corresponding position of the hands on the dial. The words “sleep until 7 am” and the mental image of the arrows showing this time must be “skipped” through the falling asleep brain several times. And then calmly “fall asleep” to sleep.

A very important detail: never try to fall asleep. Effort is always a certain tension of the neuropsychic sphere, which only accelerates sleep. And it should be “lured in the network” of brain cells. Therefore, the “formula” of sleep is supposed to be used very slowly, several times each. And in any case not to check: is the effect coming or not? If, by thinking , for example, the formula “Drowsiness increases … increases…”, you begin to analyze whether it increases or not, you disrupt the process of falling asleep. Sleep formulas should be used without any control – only with a sense of absolute faith in success. Then you will not even notice the moment of the onset of sleep.

Mental images should be defined by a “screen” of a soothing color, which should become darker with each regular formula, moving, for example, from blue to dark blue, then to saturated blue, etc. So that by the time the formula is “Pleasantly Dark in the eyes of … “the plane of the” screen “became almost black. In this case, as a rule, there is a very pleasant feeling of a kind of immersion in the “dark fog”, in the sense of “inner silence”. 

And one more detail. Before diving into a night’s sleep, it is recommended to remember all the good, successful and pleasant things that happened during the day. Then dreams will prevail, colored by positive emotions, which is also very useful. And with a high degree of fitness, you can even order the content of future dreams to yourself.

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