Subsequent practical training on the method of PMT

Having mastered the formula of auto-suggestion for the muscles of the hands, one can proceed to the “turning off” of the muscles of the legs. They should be strained in the following way: while inhaling socks, slowly “take it upon yourself” and at the same time stretch half-heartedly (“stretch”) the muscles of the calf, thighs and buttocks. At the same time, mentally say: “My legs …”– and keep their image in the field of your calm attention. On slow exhale rapidly relieve stress and start mentally pronounce the syllables of the word “race-weak-la-yut- camping.” Making sure that at least a little relaxation is felt, make a gentle breath, mentally say the word “and”, and then, amid tidal, connect the word “heat-le -yut” with the corresponding mental image (represented or imagined). To create a mental image of heat, the easiest way to sit in a warm bath. Then the presentation of naked legs in warm water will help to warm them with the help of auto-suggestion in any other setting.

To “turn off” the next group of muscles — the muscles of the body — while inhaling, slowly tighten the muscles of the back, abdomen, and chest — as if by command “Attention!”; on a slow, quiet exhale, quickly relax your muscles – as if by a command “at ease!” The idea of ​​heat can be very different and depends on your personal experience. One can imagine how warm arterial blood moves through the muscles of the body. Attention, as always calm and unstressed, should slowly “examine” the muscles of the back, lateral surfaces of the body, abdomen and chest, contributing to their relaxation and warming.

Following the muscles of the body “turn off” the muscles of the neck. In the practice of PMT, their boundaries are the following: from the back – from the hairline to the start of the shoulder blades, from the front – from the chin to the clavicles. Strain the neck muscles for later relaxation should be like this: draw the head into the shoulders, and lift them up a bit. After the discharge of such tension, the feeling of spreading relaxation manifests itself very clearly. The idea of ​​warmth is selected from individual experience. In particular, we can recall the sensation of warm streams of water pouring on the back of the head, shoulders and neck, or the warmth from a fluffy scarf enveloping the neck from behind and in front. It is possible to imagine the expansion of the arterial vessels in this area.

Attention, as always unstressed, “examines” the entire neck. The formula of self-hypnosis is made according to the previous scheme: “My neck is relaxing and getting warmer .  Cervical muscles are separated into a separate group because with mental fatigue (as shown by studies conducted at Moscow State University) they turn out to be very tense. Therefore, removing the tension in them, we give an opportunity to rest the tired brain.

And finally, the last muscle group – the muscles of the face. Although they are smaller in size than all the other muscle groups, a very large flow of impulses goes from them to the brain. After all, most of the senses are located on the face, which we “orient”, reducing one and relaxing other muscle bundles (for example, squinting or wide-open eyes). The muscles of the lower part of the face are the most involved in the processes of eating and speaking. And since we are in a state of wakefulness almost constantly thinking, and our thoughts, as a rule, are clothed with words, the muscles involved in pronouncing words (even if “about themselves”) are almost continuously in activity, sending abundant streams of impulses to the brain . That is why to achieve peace it is very important to be able to “turn off” this muscle group from stress.

In the process of learning PMT, strain your face muscles slightly: while inhaling, lightly frown your eyebrows, close your eyes, squeeze your teeth and lips slightly. During the subsequent relaxation, against the background of a slow exhalation, the lips and teeth are intentionally slightly dilated: at the same time, the cheeks are somewhat sagging; the annular muscles located around the eyeballs, relaxing, will begin to diverge, like circles on the water; the muscles located on the forehead smooth themselves out. This is how the “rest mask” will arise, which with the help of appropriate words and mental images should be made warm and motionless. “The formula of rest” retains the same structure: “My face is relaxing and getting warmer .  Normally, only the part of the face that is below the eyes should be warmed. It is not at all necessary (or even harmful) to strengthen the blood flow to the eyeballs and to the brain, located behind the frontal part of the skull.

Mental ideas of a warming face can be varied. So, one represents the heat from a steamed broom in a bath, the other from a warming compress after shaving, the third from the flame of the fire, the fourth from the steam that rises above the boiling pan, and so on.   p. A person may become warm and even blush if you recall the shame experienced, but the use of negative emotions in the practice of PMS is prohibited. The face can also be warmed by an imaginary expansion of the arterial vessels in this area.

In cases where the memory has not retained useful images that cause warming of the face, or their mental reproduction does not give the desired effect, do the following: closing your eyes,bring your face to the desk lamp (or the lamp to the face) to such a distance that a sensation of pleasant warmth appears in the lower part of the face, and then, moving away, remember (imagine) this heat. After several trainings, the necessary sensation will arise immediately after a mental idea of ​​the heat radiated by the lamp. Her image will also become a source, giving the necessary feeling of pleasant warming of the face. You can do it differently: moisten a small towel with hot water, squeeze it and apply it to the lower half of the face – so the mental image of a warm, damp towel will start to have the desired effect.

When “playing” with the muscles of the face, there is one very important point: we must learn to warm the face piece by piece — the forehead and the lower half separately, located under the eyes, for sometimes situations arise (for example, with increased blood pressure), when it is useful to call in the forehead area the opposite feeling is coolness. The formula of self-hypnosis in this case will be: “My face is relaxed … the lower part is warm … my forehead is pleasantly cool .  In other situations (for example, in certain forms of migraine associated with spasm of blood vessels), a sensation of heat, and quite distinct, must be caused in the forehead and in those parts of the head where pain has concentrated. “Bright spot” quiet attention should be placed over the site of the pain, and self-hypnosis formula can be estimated as follows: “My face was completely relaxed … warm … My focus is on lan com … warm feelings of pain are amplified … amplified. Blood vessels dilate … dilate … Pain decreases creases … decreases … passes … The pain stopped … “

Do not forget that in each case, following the words used, you must have the corresponding mental images. So, while thinking the phrase “the forehead is pleasantly cool,” imagine either a cooling compress on the forehead, or a whiff of a cool breeze, or something like that. Only with the exact combination of words with their corresponding mental images (it is useful to remind of this more than once!) The desired effect can be achieved. And, of course, before using similar formulas of a therapeutic nature, it is necessary to master well those that constitute the basis, the alphabet of primary technologies.

After “turning off” all five muscle groups, those who practice, as a rule, begin to experience a state of pleasant tranquility, which is fixed by a special formula: “State of pleasant (full, deep) rest .  Depending on the quality of calm, you can use the terms “pleasant”, “full” or “deep” peace.

What images can be used for this “formula of rest”? Here it is best to “see” (imagine or imagine) the smooth monochromatic surface of a grayish, light blue or soft green color. These colors are known to be soothing. An example of a monochromatic surface suitable for this case is the screen of an unplugged TV. Looking at it and remembering its appearance and color, you can then use this presentation, pronouncing the formula: “The state of pleasant peace .  The mental image of a stationary screen with a soothing color plays the role of a kind of indicator that indicates that the brain has really calmed down.

If at the moment of using the “formula of rest” on the screen being presented, various points, spots, lines (especially moving ones) will appear, if the screen becomes distorted anyway, this will indicate that the brain has not yet reached a state of complete rest, there are still foci of arousal.

It is very important to really master the “formula of peace” – so that, while mentally pronouncing it, confidently introduce the brain to the necessary degree of passivity, providing it with restoring strength. This state of passivity and is the basis of the first main mechanism of action of self-hypnosis. Subjectively, it is experienced as a pleasant drowsy state, remaining under the control of calm attention.

And now, when all the muscles became “obedient”, when the drowsy (“screen”) state is firmly held under the control of calm attention, the turn has come to study another PMT formula, which sounds like this: “I relax and calm down”. Although she mastered the last, but then becomes and forever remains the first.

You can, of course, start learning from it, but then quite often the process of mastering PMT is perceived as difficult. And when familiarity with this formula occurs at the end of classes, it is mastered easily and simply.

The formula is used as follows: in the mental pronouncement of the pronoun “I”, breathe in the medium depth and at the same time strain, as if swaying, all the muscles of the body. After a 2-4 second delay, voltage and inspiration all muscle contraction instantly relax and amid a quiet, slow exhalation fishery word “race-weak-lya- yus.” Then, on the light slowly inhale, say the word“and”, but in slow motion, tidal – the word “us-on-and-off-ka wa  yus.”

Attention is distributed as follows: with the word “I” it is concentrated on the face. Then, along with the word “relax,” it kind of “examines” all the muscles, checking the degree of their relaxation. At the word “and” attention is again focused on the face, and with the word “calm down” it goes to the place in the body that is most disturbing at the moment, and stops above it, like a bright spot from the lantern. If, say, a aching tooth aches, then by stopping your attention above it and simultaneously thinking out the word “us-by-ka- va  yu  , you can reduce pain. In those cases where nothing specifically bothers, attention should be stopped above the heart area or on the “mental screen” of a soothing color.

The first formula is harvested usually twice, and the second time – without prior muscle tension. Later, in well-trained people, the formula “I’m relaxing I calm down and “calm down” as if I absorb all the other formulas, and only with its help a person can in a few seconds enter himself into a state of drowsiness controlled by consciousness.

It must be said that the degree of use of both auxiliary methods with each lesson becomes weaker, and in the end the need for them completely disappears. Auxiliary techniques in the first stages of the development of psychomuscular training play the role of a kind of “scaffolding”, necessary only as long as the “buildings” of the formulas are built. But as soon as the “buildings” are constructed and the mental images of the formulas begin to easily turn into physical sensations of relaxation and warmth, the “scaffolding” is removed. Practice shows that athletes are freed from the need to use assistive techniques (especially muscle tension) in the first lesson. As for people who are far from sports, and especially those suffering from certain neuro-psychic disharmonies, they have to use assistive techniques for several days, or even weeks.

But here comes a time when all five muscle groups can relax well and warm without using assistive techniques, that is, without tension and controlled breathing,   – only due to accurate mental images, calmly and carefully transferred from the brain to the muscles. Now you can go further. The fact is that formulas like “My hands relax and warm” in the practice of PMT are, so to speak, preliminary – they learn to translate mental images created in the brain into physical sensations of relaxation and warmth that arise in skeletal muscles. When this goal is achieved, the preliminary formulas are replaced by final ones. An example of the final formula: “My hands are completely relaxed … warm-motionless.” It is easy to see that if in the preliminary formula the processes of relaxation and warming are just beginning to be carried out and are felt by everyone involved to the best of his abilities and fitness, then in the final formula these processes are recorded as fully implemented. At the same time it added a new word – “nepod Vision ”, the mental image of which is best associated with the representation of a feeling of pleasant numbness in the so-called muscles.

In the process of mastering PMT, each preliminary formula that causes two sensations — relaxation and warmth — can be fished 2, 4, 6 times in a row. Moreover, this should be done very slowly, even at a specially slow pace, and, of course, with appropriate intonations. If, for example, the word “calm down” is pronounced quickly, in a cheerful tone, then there will be no useful effect. If for some reason the desired does not work, we must calmly, without changing the position of the body, think about what could have prevented the achievement of the desired sensations, and again pursue the formula 2-4 times.

The most common cause of failure is a lack of a clear mental image, as well as a weak concentration of calm attention on it, which interferes with the connection between the words of a formula and the necessary mental images. I remind once again: the more concretely, more precisely and brighter, the more comfortable and pleasant the used mental images for you are, the easier they become for the necessary physical (and then mental) qualities.

And now let’s combine all the formulas of the PMT:

one.   I relax and calm down …

2   My hands are relaxing and warming …

3   My arms are completely relaxed … warm … still …

four.   My legs are relaxing and warming …

five.   My legs are completely relaxed … warm … motionless …

6   My torso is relaxing and warming …

7   My torso is completely relaxed … warm … still …

eight.   My neck is relaxing and warming …

9.   My neck is completely relaxed … warm … motionless …

ten.   My face is relaxing and warming …

eleven.   My face is completely relaxed … warm … still …

12.   State of pleasant (full, deep) peace …

A day is recommended to practice 4-6 times for 5-10 minutes. The final formulas, causing all three sensations – relaxation, warmth and immobility, as already mentioned, are allowed to pass only after the preliminary formulas give a pronounced positive result. For example, there is no point in saying: “My hands are completely relaxed … warm … immobile,” if they are still not well “relax and get warmer.” Practice shows that it makes sense the first 3-4 days to deal only with preliminary formulas, adding to them the first and twelfth. And just feeling that they mastered well, move on to the final formulas.

As soon as the preliminary formulas begin to clearly elicit the necessary sensations (without muscle tension and inhalation delay), it is enough to use each of them once. And those with mastery of psychic self-regulation will go easily, after a week they can eliminate all preliminary formulas and use only the final ones.

For all 12 formulas of the full version of PMT, with their leisurely mental pronouncing, it takes 7-10 minutes and only 4–5 minutes for a shortened version consisting of 7 formulas:

one.   I relax and calm down …

2   My arms are completely relaxed … warm … still …

3   My legs are completely relaxed … warm … motionless …

four.   My torso is completely relaxed … warm … still …

five.   My neck is completely relaxed … warm … motionless …

6   My face is completely relaxed … warm … still …

7   State of pleasant (full, deep) peace …

You can reduce this number of formulas to three:

one.   I relax and calm down …

2   All my muscles are completely relaxed … warm … immobile …

3   State of pleasant (full, deep) peace …

At the final stage it is necessary to be able to be limited to only two formulas. After the first one – “I relax and repent,  you should immediately move on to the last one – “A state of pleasant (full, deep) peace .  This option takes no more than 1 minute, and with very high fitness – 10-15 seconds.

If there is no need to solve any specific problem, which will be mentioned further, then after the formula “From standing pleasant rest” occupation PMT supposed to end like this: maintaining a state of rest, mentally say the following formulas: “I rested (a) and relaxed ( familiarize ) … “,” Feeling good … “

A few words about the formula “Feel good ” In order for it to really help improve your well-being, you need to think in advance about all the elements (physical and mental) that make up your personal well-being. And mentally imagine yourself in such (with very specific qualities) good state of health – then the desired effect will come. If you just say “you feel good,” and then think about something outside, and even more so about your troubles or illnesses, there will be no benefit. There will be a gap between words and mental images that should correspond to them. Practice shows: if using the formula “Feeling good” , a middle-aged and not very healthy person will very accurately present himself as he was when he was young, when everything was in order, these mental images will help him to feel much better.

In the same cases, when, after the training of the PMS, it is necessary to immediately proceed to some business, you should use other formulas:

one.   State of deep (pleasant) rest.

2   My whole body is resting …

3   And gaining strength …

four.   Well-being is excellent.

five.   With pleasure I will start the next business!

As after the usual completion of soothing exercises, ending with the formulas: “I rested (la) and calmed down ( lasted ) …”, “I feel good …” , so after the formulas that prepare the body for work, you should slowly stretch your whole body, take a few deep breaths , then rise, perform several light movements (any) and get down to business.

That’s the whole alphabet of PMT. In the process of mastering it, the practitioners master both main mechanisms underlying mental self-regulation : 1) learn to introduce themselves into a drowsy state controlled by consciousness; 2) they gain the ability to focus non-stressed attention on the words used and their mental images.

Figuratively speaking, “the state of pleasant (full, deep) peace,” the state of drowsiness , which remains under the control of consciousness and quiet attention, is, as it were, the starting point . With it, using the rules of self-suggestion, you can begin the path to solving a variety of tasks. This possibility is based on the phenomenon of increased sensitivity telnosti brain dozing with the words and the mental image. After attaining the drowsy (“screen”) state, the second main mechanism of action of the PMT comes to the fore – operating with the necessary mental images placed in the focus of quietly focused attention. In a drowsy state, this problem is solved much easier and faster than in the state of normal wakefulness.

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