
 At the beginning of the 20th century, the father of Russian physiology, I.M. Sechenov proved that in case of physical exhaustion, first of all, muscles that did not work, not the heart that pumped blood through the vessels, did not breathe deeply into the lungs, but brain cells that sent activating impulses to the muscles involved, get tired. Without these impulses, no muscle, as they say, would not move. Consequently, in order to recuperate, it is necessary to rest the brain, “turn it off” from activity. How? Immersing him in a dream. So, in solving this problem, mental self-regulation has considerable potential. Already the “state of deep peace”, if it is kept for 5-10 minutes, allows a person to feel rested. But even better restores the power of self sleep. Therefore, it is very important for each person to learn to dive for a predetermined time in such a dream and to leave it.

To plunge into self-perceived sleep, you must first outline its duration and time of awakening. Suppose you need to sleep in the afternoon for half an hour – from three to half past three. In this case, before falling asleep using the PMT formulas, mentally imagine the watch face, at which the hands show half past three, say to yourself: “Sleep up to three thirty …” – and repeat this thought to yourself at the moment of passing through the slumber stage, before diving into self-perceived sleep. After this, the biological clock set by nature in our body will wake you up at your scheduled time. Although, of course, deviations are possible – ± 2–3 minutes. Accuracy here, as well as everywhere, depends on the level of fitness, on the degree of mastering the mental self-regulation .

Practice shows that with good fitness you can plunge into self-perceived sleep for any time. Some authors have reported, in particular, that in boxers for self – perceived sleep-rest, even a part of the minute break between rounds can be used. Of course, for 20–40 seconds an athlete does not sleep in the generally accepted sense of the word, but with the help of PMT, he calms his brain so much that it gives rest to both the nervous system and the whole body. In addition, in these seconds of self- perceived drowsiness , when the brain becomes more sensitive to words, the athlete can better and more firmly perceive the coach’s instructions.

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