Laboratory diagnostics is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of a practitioner. Without the conclusions of the clinical and laboratory examination, it is impossible to diagnose, “catch” the disease at an early stage, choose the right treatment vector and prescribe medications.

Medical science does not stand still: laboratory test systems are being improved, and now specific tests are available to all CITILAB patients. Each of them allows you to make the correct diagnosis with an accuracy of 100% and find out if you are at risk.

 23-10-002. – Glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1c). The analysis is necessary for monitoring and early diagnosis of diabetes, recommended by WHO. In healthy people, the blood glucose level is low. With a persistent increase in its level (over the past three months), the amount of glycated hemoglobin increases by 2-3 times. 

 29-11-006. – D- dimer . Early diagnosis of thrombosis. D- dimers are specific fibrin degradation products that make up a blood clot. They are formed in the process of dissolution of a blood clot under the influence of plasmin and some non-specific fibrinolytics . The concentration of D- dimers in serum is proportional to the activity of fibrinolysis and the amount of lysed fibrin. The test allows you to judge the intensity of the processes of formation and destruction of fibrin clots and blood clots, so it is optimal for the diagnosis of thrombogenic danger and predisposition to the formation of vascular thrombosis. 

 22-20-122. – Procalcitonin . Marker of sepsis. Procalcitonin is a very accurate biomarker for the development of sepsis, which can significantly reduce the risk of death for critically ill people. By the level of this substance in the blood, bacterial infections can be differentiated from viral infections and antibacterial therapy can be prescribed in a timely manner. 

34-20-002. – Troponin I. Heart attack marker. The main indicators of myocardial damage (for example, ALT, AST, CPK) can be increased in other diseases. But the content in the blood of a specific protein of troponin increases in the blood only after a heart attack. 

34-20-001. NT- pro BNP . “Heart hormone.” Another specific analysis allows diagnosing chronic heart failure with an accuracy of 100% and differentiating it, for example, from pulmonary failure. 


If with type I diabetes, the disease occurs as a result of a lack of the hormone insulin in the blood. In type II diabetes, the cause is insulin resistance . But to prevent the development of the disease and reduce the risk of serious complications is possible!

One of the leading factors provoking the emergence of type II diabetes is obesity and overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits – smoking and alcohol abuse. Elderly people are also at risk; diabetes symptoms may appear as a result of age-related changes in the body.

Diabetes affects many organs and systems: it increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases; leads to neuropathies, causing paresis and paralysis; increases the permeability of the capillary stack of blood vessels, which increases the risk of thrombosis, the development of atherosclerosis, diabetic foot; provokes early cataract and retinopathy .

CITILAB joins doctors around the world on this day and urges them to undergo the necessary laboratory tests for the early diagnosis of diabetes.  

If you constantly feel thirsty, frequent urination, unable to control your appetite, do research on the diabetes mellitus screening program. It includes the main diagnostic laboratory tests for detecting diabetes.

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