Information about Prednisone

Prednisone is a corticosteroid drug that is also used in chemotherapy. Therapy with the use of this drug can be performed in a clinic, hospital or outpatient. As a rule, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs.

In addition, prednisone can be used to treat inflammation, allergies and asthma, skin rashes, and adrenal disorders.

As the patient grows older, the dosage may change. If the family has questions about the new dosage of the drug, it is recommended to contact the pharmacist to make sure that the dose and dosage in one tablet are correct.

Urine and blood tests may be required to check for increased sugar levels. Blood tests may be required to check your blood potassium levels.

Possible side effects with prolonged use

Some patients may experience long-term side effects or long-term effects that persist from the time of taking the drug or appear only a few months or years after its end. Possible long-term effects or long-term effects of prednisone use:

  • Reduced muscle mass and muscle weakness
  • Slower wound healing
  • Growth disorders
  • Thin, fragile skin
  • Osteoporosis
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Cataracts
  • Secondary cancer (Kaposi’s sarcoma).

Recommendations for the family

Be sure to discuss these and other recommendations with your doctor or pharmacist.

Taking prednisone can hide the symptoms of a fever. The patient’s family needs to monitor for signs of infection. Report signs of infection to your doctor or nurse as soon as possible.

The treatment group may recommend a diet consisting of foods that are low in sodium and sugar and high in protein. A nutritionist will give advice on a healthy diet with an increased appetite.

Patients may need to take potassium supplements or eat foods that are high in potassium.

The patient should wash his face twice a day with soap and water to prevent the appearance of acne.

Patients who are sexually active should use contraception methods during the course of therapy and for 6 months after. Pregnant or breast-feeding patients should inform their doctor about this.

Taking prednisone at home:

The drug should be taken with food or with milk to reduce stomach irritation.

When taking prednisone in liquid form, measure the dosage using the measuring device included in the kit.

You should take a dose of the drug as soon as possible, if you missed it. Do not do this only if there is little time left before the next appointment. In any case, do not double the dose at the next dose!

Prednisone should be stored at room temperature.
It is forbidden to take the drug with an expired expiration date.
Follow the instructions for safe handling and disposal of the product.

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