Don’t be afraid: 7 facts about antidepressants

It just so happened that we are used to treating depression as a kind of bliss: there is nothing for a person to do, so he has become limp, it would be better to do something useful. Meanwhile, doctors have long recognized depression as a disease that requires treatment, since it not only adversely affects significant areas of life: personal, social, and labor, but can also cause serious disorders of various body systems.

And when it comes to antidepressants, we are sure: this is not about us, we are normal, and everyone can be sad. That is why an educational program is needed: what are antidepressants, when they are prescribed and why they should not be afraid. Meanwhile, according to the forecasts of the World Health Organization, by 2020, depression will enter the top three causes of disability. Its main symptoms are a loss of interest in what used to fascinate, a decrease in the feeling of joy without serious reasons and objective reasons, an unwillingness to communicate with people, a feeling of loss of energy, sleep disorders (both shortening and lengthening), a change in appetite, a feeling of physical malaise, pain, digestive disorders, etc. So, if you find yourself with at least three of the listed signs, do not neglect them, but contact a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist, and if you need to take antidepressants, do not worry, because…

Antidepressants are always carefully selected by a doctor

These are not the means that are assigned to everyone in the same way. The doctor will take into account many factors (the degree of depression, age, lifestyle, concomitant diseases, and others) before prescribing drugs, such as for example Cymbalta Duloxetine.

Antidepressants normalize serotonin levels

Serotonin is mistakenly called a hormone, but it is a neurotransmitter-a substance that transmits impulses between nerve cells and directly affects our ability to rejoice and perceive the positive aspects of life.

Antidepressants — non-hormonal drugs

After hearing something about serotonin, many people decide that antidepressants are hormones, and “it’s better not to sit on hormones”. So, these drugs are not hormonal, and about their effect — the point above.

Antidepressants are not addictive

Often it seems to us that the doctor has prescribed too long a course of treatment, and when it becomes easier, we boldly stop taking medications. Because of such features of taking drugs, there is obviously a myth that antidepressants are addictive. The fact is that the processes in the nerve cells are very slow, and in order for the serotonin level to really normalize, it is necessary to take antidepressants for an average of about a year, gradually reducing the dosage under the supervision of a doctor. If you stop taking them at the first signs of improvement, depression will gain strength again.

Antidepressants will not turn you into a vegetable or a battery-powered rabbit

Any drug has side effects, and in this regard, antidepressants are no better or worse than other drugs. Taking antidepressants, you will be able to continue your usual lifestyle: work, drive a car, play sports.

You don’t need to drink antidepressants all the time

A full course of taking these drugs, as a rule, effectively solves the issue. However, there is a caveat: some people are prone to chronic depression, they may need to take antidepressants for longer courses or on a permanent basis.

There are more people taking antidepressants than you think

Depression is one of the five most common disorders, and many people treat it, and successfully. However, due to the fact that in our country depression still refers to “shameful” disorders, they hide it. So, if you are prescribed antidepressants, do not consider yourself a black sheep. Perhaps one of your friends has been successfully accepting them for a long time, just like you, is too shy to tell about it.

And finally-a tip on how to avoid depression and leave knowledge about antidepressants only in the theoretical field

Prevention of depression is similar to the prevention of many other diseases: you need to adhere to a rational diet and diet, be sure to alternate work and rest. And it is also very important to be happy! For example, a well-done job, a little rest, communication with interesting people, creativity and time spent with family. And most importantly-start getting rid of perfectionism.

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