Year: 2023

Treatment of alcoholism

Antabuse in the treatment of alcoholism

One patient’s story… I am here for the third time again drunk, and such an equal, which was not. Hallucinations have appeared, he is irritable, imaginative to the limit and, you could say, does not have a normal rest – sleep in a half-sleep, and this bird!I asked him to go back on treatment because […]

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Aveți grijă de mușchii dvs: Cum să aveți grijă de ei în mod corespunzător

Îngrijirea mușchilor este esențială pentru a rămâne sănătos și în formă. În acest articol, vom analiza câteva aspecte importante care vă vor ajuta să aveți grijă în mod corespunzător de mușchii dumneavoastră și să îi mențineți în formă. Varietatea antrenamentelor: Una dintre cheile îngrijirii mușchilor este varietatea exercițiilor fizice. Varierea tipurilor de exerciții ajută la […]

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Effective Muscle Tracking and Strengthening Techniques: A Blogger’s Guide

Nowadays, more and more people realize the importance of taking care of their health and fitness. In this context, muscle training becomes a key element of self-care. In this article, we will look at effective muscle tracking and strengthening techniques that a blogger can incorporate into their content for their readers. Understanding muscle anatomy: Before […]

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What are generics? How to make the right choice?

Generics are medicines that are sold under names other than those used by the brand name developer of the original drug. According to the current classification, they include all medical products that are created on the basis of an active substance that is no longer protected by patents. They are in no way inferior to […]

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