Use of words and mental images

I stress once again: words and their mental images, if applied correctly, can cause such changes in our consciousness, in our body that correspond to these words and their mental images.

All variety of mental images that can be used for self-mobilization, conveniently divided into three groups.
The first group is figurative representations associated with feelings of well-being. Each one is very individual.

All of them belong to the category of mental images associated with personal sensations of a person. Consciously remembering the corresponding sensations and mentally presenting them, a person can evoke the sensations he needs.

The second group is figurative representations related to the sphere of movements. They are divided into a separate group because the motor sensations are leading here. If, for example, a boxer during a successful performance felt that all his blows were very fast and sharp to “whip”, this sensation of “whip” should also be presented as clearly as possible in training and, of course, before the fight.

The representations of this group are the most simple and accessible, since it is not difficult to immediately move from the idea to a real movement.

The third group is figurative representations of situations.
To learn how to self-tune using mental images (both imagined and imagined), you must learn to concretize your dreams by giving them precise verbal formulations.

In order to mobilize the images even more tightly “soldered” with the functions of the body, it is very useful to mentally “view” them in those moments when the brain is just beginning to get rid of sleep – night or afternoon. Such “scans”, when the brain is still at a reduced level of wakefulness, will give mental images a much greater impact force on the functions of the body.

Use for self-mobilization of various mental images can be done in two ways.
The first way is images, so to speak, in a “pure” form, not supplemented with words.
The second way – the exact verbal design of each mental image.

Both ways are legitimate, but the second is preferable, since mental images, enclosed in an exact verbal shell, act stronger – thanks to the words they become more concrete, as if more tangible.

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