Type 2 diabetes-a non-communicable epidemic of the XXI century

Every 10th inhabitant of the Earth today has diabetes, but half of the patients do not yet know about their disease. Every minute on earth, another case of diabetes is detected and every minute two people die from its complications.

The rapid spread of the incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world has acquired the character of a ” non-infectious epidemic»: so, according to the forecasts of WHO experts, in 2025, about 500 million patients with diabetes will be registered. However, already in 2011, the number of cases approached this value, reaching 366 million people, and about 90% of them suffer from type 2 diabetes.


All forms of diabetes are caused by the inability to adequately utilize glucose, the main source of energy in the body. This is due to a violation of the production or use in the body of insulin, a hormone that is formed in the cells of the pancreas and which is necessary for the conversion of sugar, starches and other food components into energy.

In people with type 2 diabetes, the pancreas may produce insufficient amounts of insulin or the body may not be able to use it adequately. As a result, the blood glucose level increases, which leads to damage to blood vessels and other organs.

This form of diabetes occurs in people of middle age and older. The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is made on the basis of high blood glucose, as well as glucose in the urine.


It is believed that when type 2 diabetes occurs, a genetic predisposition to the disease plays a role. Poor ecology, sedentary lifestyle, fasfood, frequent stress and a combination of risk factors such as age and overweight also affect the development of the disease. The most important predisposing factor, however, was obesity. It was found that more than 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. It is believed that excess fat content disrupts the body’s ability to utilize insulin.


Severe thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, increased hunger, rapid weight loss, weakness and fatigue, irritability.


In the case of insufficient control of type 2 diabetes, the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney disease, neurological disorders, impotence, visual impairment (including blindness), gangrene increases. Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous disease. In the absence of effective therapy, a fatal outcome is possible, which is associated with complications due to high blood glucose or pathological changes in the organs and systems.


If you have any symptoms of diabetes, you should immediately undergo a medical examination. Even if there are no symptoms of diabetes, blood sugar and urine levels should be monitored, especially for people with a family history of diabetes, people over 40 years of age and/or those who are overweight.

After a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is made, regular medical monitoring and monitoring of blood glucose levels are necessary to avoid the development of complications.

For effective treatment of diabetes, you should carefully monitor your condition, and you can also view medical preparations for the treatment of diabetes on this website Stop-diabetes-meds.com.

People with type 2 diabetes should:

  • Control glucose and cholesterol levels, as well as body weight, by including low-calorie foods low in sugar, fat, and high in complex carbohydrates and plant fibers in your diet;
  • Exercise regularly to reduce the need for insulin and increase weight loss.;
  • Determine the blood glucose content at home with a blood glucose meter, which helps a person to adjust their diet and exercise and prevent the development of complications of diabetes. Self-monitoring of glucose also allows you to observe how the level of glucose in the blood decreases as the body weight decreases.

People suffering from diabetes should take preventive measures to avoid colds, it is recommended to observe foot hygiene.
The course of type 2 diabetes depends to a great extent on self-control. In most cases, type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet therapy and exercise, taking hypoglycemic drugs.


If diabetes is suspected, the doctor should prescribe appropriate blood tests to diagnose the disease. If the diagnosis is made, the doctor should prescribe a special diet or refer the patient to a nutritionist for consultation. Diet and exercise are the mainstays of the treatment of type 2 diabetes. A number of studies have found that 80% or more of type 2 diabetes can be controlled by weight loss and exercise. If these methods are not effective and the blood glucose level does not normalize, then the doctor should prescribe hypoglycemic drugs perrorally. Depending on the blood sugar content and the response to diet therapy, the doctor may prescribe medications that increase the body’s ability to effectively use its own insulin or increase its production.

Subsequently, the doctor determines the frequency of visits, depending on the need for various tests, the general condition of the patient and the risk of complications that require special additional treatment.

In some cases, insulin injections may be required.


To avoid type 2 diabetes, you should use a balanced diet with a high content of plant fibers; regularly exercise; avoid excess body weight and a sharp decrease in it; regularly monitor blood glucose, especially if you have a family history of diabetes or if you are overweight.

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