Sexual orientation forms education, often criminal

According to the psychologist Roda Anger, “the key to the social process of gender design is the current social interactions (the interaction of the individual and society. – MB); as for the psychological personality traits acquired by her in the course of prolonged sexual socialization, their role is secondary. ” The assertion that sexual behavior is determined solely by social factors, and sexual orientation can be formed by education, contrary to the innate biological prerequisites, disorienting both doctors and patients. This is a myth, the falsity of which is demonstrated by the infamous “experiment” conducted in the USA.

“Experimental” turned out to be one of the twin brothers, who, at the age of eight months, due to the extremely unsuccessful surgical treatment of phimosis, lost most of the penis. Parents turned for advice to specialists who recommended that they finally rid the child of the male genitalia in order to raise it as a girl. All this was strictly carried out, because John Mani was invited as an authoritative consultant. He was guided by his own concept, according to which the change of sex in the first year of life proceeds without any difficulties, requiring only a psychological reorientation of the parents.

The case of turning John into Joan for many years was cited as a textbook example of a “professionally sound” choice of treatment tactics and as evidence that gender identity is determined solely by upbringing. To the embarrassment of supporters of such views, there were skeptics who found the “textbook patient”. The check has established the falsity of the publications. “Girl”, contrary to the education she received, felt like a boy. She even urinated while standing, so that the “freak” was expelled from the female restroom. It is not necessary to list all the hardships and offenses delivered by Joan to her female gender. This lasted until the age of 14, as long as the parents did not repent of their arbitrariness. Once again, John found himself wearing men’s clothing and preparing for an operation to restore the natural floor. At the age of 25, he was removed the breasts grown with the help of female sex hormones, and underwent surgery, creating an artificial penis. Of course, the young man took androgens (after all, he was castrated during infancy) and formed his body according to the male type of physical exercises. In the same 25 years of age, John married and adopted his wife’s children.

So ended this very indicative “experiment” (this is an experimental model of transsexuality). His results indicate the presence of biological mechanisms that program a person’s sexual orientation long before his birth.
The myth that homosexual orientation is shaped exclusively by upbringing often takes on an aggressive homophobic character. So, psychiatrist Dilya Yenikeeva (1997) blames homosexuals for the fact that they, seducing or raping men, who are previously attracted to women, turn them into gays. However, her homophobia is not limited to exposing the ways in which, according to Yenikeeva, non-traditional sex supporters replenish their ranks. She writes:
“Firstly, whatever the homosexuals themselves say that they never force the“ novices ”to live together, and everything happens only voluntarily, this is not so. Often, an active homosexual involves a heterosexual person in homosexual relations, using his dependence on him or his weakness.
Secondly, by becoming a passive homosexual, such a person is deprived of the freedom to choose relationships. He has practically no prospects for acquiring a normal heterosexual family. <…>
Thirdly, homosexual intercourse in itself is a disgusting and unnatural phenomenon. The anus (anus) is not given by nature to satisfy its base inclinations. Therefore, psychiatrists consider homosexual attraction as a pathology, and not as a variant of the norm, as homosexuals themselves try to prove.

Fourthly, whatever homosexuals themselves say that every person has the right to freedom of sexual behavior, as a psychiatrist, I cannot agree with this. When two homosexuals kiss in a public place, for many heterosexual people this causes a shock reaction. Homosexuals do not live on a desert island, but among people, so they must observe the norms of behavior in society, since they themselves are in the minority, but heterosexual people are still the majority.

Perhaps many homosexuals will be disgusted with what has been said. In vain. The opinion of heterosexual people here is given in order to explain the reasons for the rejection of homosexuality by society. Society is not ready to regard homosexuality as the norm. In pornographic films for the mass audience there are no scenes of homosexual contacts of two men. Why? Because this spectacle is far from aesthetic even in comparison with other low-aesthetic pornographic products and can be shocking vat viewer.
Fifth, an important negative aspect of this problem is the violence of homosexuals against people of heterosexual orientation. <…> Even if women who have been raped by men, then suffer from public opinion, and an innocent victim of violence, ignorant people begin to despise and shun, then what about teenagers and men if they are raped in a homosexual way! It’s a shame for life. ”

Same-sex unions in the eyes of Yenikeeva appear as the likeness of an eastern harem, in which the “concubines,” turning the buttocks, appease the sultan: “In men, the passive homosexual role is most often combined with femininity in manners, behavior and voice. In some of them, the imitation of the behavior of women takes on caricature forms — they speak in a thin voice, are mannered, wimpy, flirtatious, wiggle their hips when walking, and somehow bend their lower back in a special way. Active homosexuals may have a normal appearance, femininity is usually not peculiar to them. They are the main “earners” of livelihood in the family, and the homosexual “wife” may not work, being fully supported by her husband. ”

Something like that, of course, happens, but rarely. Researches of scientists showed that partners usually live separately; most often they are financially independent of each other. Their masculinity and sportiness both can surpass many heterosexuals. As for the active or passive role in sex, then, as the homosexual poet and essayist Jaroslav Mogutin noted: “We have a sliding schedule with a friend”.

True, the demand for stressedly courageous (masculine) guys exceeds the demand for more feminine (feminine) men. And if heterosexual men are inclined to same-sex intimacy, it is not at all to turn them “into passive concubines,” as Enikeeva claims. For gays, they are much more attractive in an active role. If heterosexual, and out of curiosity, will test itself as a receptive (receiving) partner, then this will not become a “passive homosexual”. Sexual orientation is not determined by seduction; on this subject to be a thorough conversation.
Can experience gained in same-sex relationships prevent someone from getting married? Contrary to Enikeeva’s spells, marriage is least dependent on the man’s homosexual activity, if he practiced it. Everything is determined by the strength of its heterosexual potential, sociopsychological attitudes and the desire to start a family.

Her accusations against gay people who are defiantly exchanging caresses in crowded places are absurd: they avoid even showing up somewhere together for fear of discovering their homosexuality. Alexander Zinenko, preparing a TV show about the gays “Others”, could not persuade one of the guys to play with an open face: “He said:“ I work as a night watchman. Dismiss! ”How deep is this fear! I understand: a politician, an official. Even the night watchman is afraid. Many are “encrypted”, that is, they hide their unconventional sexuality at work, they deceive their parents. ” The need to give homophobes every step of the way, listen to their evil jokes and anecdotes, which at all do not seem to be witty and funny to gays, depresses and neuroticizes members of sexual minorities.
At homosexual festivals, gays appear openly, and since we are talking about combating discrimination, that is, about the right thing, quite heterosexual citizens also take part in these fun carnivals. During the “sexual thaw”, many celebrities (Jean Marais, Tennessee Williams, James Baldwin, Rudolf Nureyev, Freddie Mercury and others) publicly admitted their unconventional sexuality. But all this applies to Europe and America; in Russia, gays usually behave extremely secretively. Enikeeva’s requirement to “not stick out”, expressed in their address, is a clear manifestation of her homophobia.

As for the notorious anus, the role of which seems to her elevated in defecation, and in the same-sex act – low and disgusting, her blindness in this respect is very eloquent. Naturally, in porn films addressed to heterosexuals, there are no homosexual scenes. But Enikeeva stubbornly fails to notice what none of them can do without. We are talking about the mandatory introduction of a member into the anus, and according to the laws of the genre, women depict ecstasy. Enikeeva is not shocked, and, therefore, her indignation is not caused by the anal act itself, but by something else. What exactly and why?
The answer can be found at the very Yenikeeva. Her friend treats gays quite tolerantly: “If a man with his sex life does not harm society, let him solve his sexual problems the way he wants. If he does not manage to receive sexual satisfaction in a different way, but by the way he reaches him, he does not harm anyone, then leave him alone. ” Enikeeva, in his condemnation of gays, is adamant: “The above opinion is incorrect in that homosexuality as a phenomenon is not at all as“ harmless “as homosexuals themselves believe.”

Familiar Yenikeeva loves men, and, deprived inferiority is quite adequate in its relations with representatives of sexual minorities. Unlike her, women who are unsure of their own sexual attractiveness hate and fear gays. According to Yenikeeva, “many women treat homosexual men contemptuously, considering them not to be men, because they do not show sexual interest to them and are not able to appreciate their feminine charms. And since a homosexual can not be a potential admirer, then women do not consider them an object of attention and despise. ”
Actually, we are talking about a special neurotic method of psychological protection: “If he didn’t appreciate my sexual virtues, it means that he is a homosexual, then for him the male anus is more attractive than my face!” the most disgusting. “There are few women who want to become the wife of a passive homosexual. One thought about the possibility of such a marriage causes many women to shudder ”, – so, not at all in the spirit of deontology (medical science as not to harm the patient), says Enikeeva. Gays should not take this psycho-traumatic set of homophobic tirades close to heart. No one authorized Yenikeyev to speak on behalf of psychiatry and the heterosexual world as a whole, causing a neurotic reaction among members of sexual minorities.

Outrageous her arguments about gay men, allegedly raping “normal” men. The point is not in the statement itself (there are rapists among gays, even though they are incomparably smaller than among heterosexuals), but in the system of its evidence. To claim, like Yenikeeva, that gays rape prisoners in prisons, is the same as blaming people burned in kilns by fascists for torturing and killing their executioners. The psychiatrist Enikeeva, who publishes books on sexology, does not know what most adolescents who have entered the time of hypersexuality know about: the sexual role and sexual preferences often do not coincide. Replacement homosexual activity in same-sex contingents and, above all, in places of detention, is practiced by people with a “normal” heterosexual orientation. Gays, like those prisoners who were “lowered” in the “zone”, were not rapists, but victims of violence. Sexologists and forensic scientists know this well. Society prefers to believe the next myth.

Outrageous her arguments about gay men, allegedly raping “normal” men. The point is not in the statement itself (there are rapists among gays, even though they are incomparably smaller than among heterosexuals), but in the system of its evidence. To claim, like Yenikeeva, that gays rape prisoners in prisons, is the same as blaming people burned in kilns by fascists for torturing and killing their executioners. The psychiatrist Enikeeva, who publishes books on sexology, does not know what most adolescents who have entered the time of hypersexuality know about: the sexual role and sexual preferences often do not coincide. Replacement homosexual activity in same-sex contingents and, above all, in places of detention, is practiced by people with a “normal” heterosexual orientation. Gays, like those prisoners who were “lowered” in the “zone”, were not rapists, but victims of violence. Sexologists and forensic scientists know this well. Society prefers to believe the next myth.

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