Nerve blow

In the last 40 years, the number of chronic pain syndromes has been growing in the world. According to various estimates, they make up from 15 to 70% of all diseases. Therefore, pain clinics grow like mushrooms after rain. In the United States there are about four thousand. We, of course, have fewer, but also a lot.

Better than a thousand words

Pain actually plays a dual role: it can be both harmful and beneficial. After all, this is an effective defense mechanism that protects us from dangers. She is a strict teacher – her “methods of education” are completely non-pedagogical, but very effective. After all, once experienced pain teaches us caution. And often it saves people’s life by forcing to see a doctor. In addition, pain is an important clue for the doctor, making diagnosis easier. “Useful” pain causes irritation of pain receptors located in the skin, muscles, ligaments, internal organs.

Signs of Neuropathic Pain

Severe pain in response to a harmless stimulus (for example, a light touch, a slight increase in temperature).
Burning, compressive nature of pain. Sometimes a feeling of goosebumps or tingling sensations, as from a weak discharge of current. Or constant burning (often in the fingers and toes).
The pain does not go away for a long time after the cessation of irritation. It can be combined with a decrease in sensitivity, numbness, a feeling of frostbite. A sore spot may turn red, turn pale, or swell violently.
Short-term severe pain. Appears in fingers, feet and hands. Often migrates.
Insomnia, increased anxiety, depression.

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