Mental diseases are progressing.

Mental diseases are progressing.

Over time, mental illness progresses and may combine delusional, hallucinatory, and emotional disorders. Manifestations of visual, auditory and delusional hallucinations appear as follows:

– the person talks to himself, laughs for no apparent reason. – can not focus on the topic of conversation, always has a worried and anxious look.
– hears other voices and sees someone that you can not perceive.
– is hostile to family members, especially those who serve it. In the later stages of the development of mental illness, the patient becomes aggressive, attacks others, deliberately smashes dishes, furniture and other objects.
– tells the stories of implausible or doubtful content about themselves and loved ones.
– fears for his life, refuses to eat, accusing loved ones of trying to poison him.
– writes statements to the police and letters to various organizations with complaints to relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances.
– hides money and things, quickly forgets where he put them and accuses others of theft. – long does not wash and does not shave, in the behavior and appearance there is inaccuracy and uncleanliness.

Knowing the general signs of mental disorders it is very important to understand that mental illness brings suffering, first of all, to the patient himself, and only then to his relatives and society. Therefore, it is absolutely wrong to prove to the patient that he is behaving immorally, to accuse or reproach him that he does not love you and worsens your life. Of course, a mentally ill person is a disaster in the family. However, he should be treated as a sick person and responded to their inappropriate behavior with understanding.

You can not argue with the patient, trying to prove to him that his accusations against you are wrong. Listen carefully, calm and offer help. Do not try to clarify the details of his delusional accusations and statements, do not ask him questions that may aggravate those with mental disorders. Any mental illness requires attention from loved ones, and treatment by specialists. It should not cause complaints and accusations of selfishness in the direction of a sick person.

Alas, no one is immune from the development of mental disorders. This is especially true of those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease or care for elderly parents with dementia. Show an example of good attitude towards them to your children, so that they do not repeat the mistakes of their parents.

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