Menopause is not the easiest time in a woman’s life. Along with unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, bad mood, many begin to gain weight. 

oh, despite all the efforts – diet and fitness – extra pounds do not go away. In order to lose excess and regain harmony, first of all, it is important to find out the true causes of the problem.

Myth number 1. The cause of excess weight during menopause is a decrease in the production of estrogen


With age, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body decreases, which often leads to difficulties in maintaining weight. The condition of the skin also worsens – it becomes less elastic, loses its tone. Along with this, there is a redistribution of adipose tissue according to the abdominal type – a fat “pillow” appears in the abdomen. If the weight increases rapidly, then this can provoke the development of menopausal metabolic syndrome. It is characterized by abdominal obesity, the development of insulin resistance due to estrogen deficiency, as well as dyslipoproteinemia – a change in the composition of blood lipoproteins (HDL and LDL).

Myth number 2. Weight gain is associated with thyroid disorders

Actually: YES

Weight gain is often caused by a decrease in thyroid function, which regulates basal metabolism. Thyroid hormones stimulate an increase in carbohydrate utilization, protein metabolism, and increase the breakdown of fats. Thereby, helping to maintain slimness and maintain normal weight. With a lack of these hormones (hypothyroidism), metabolism slows down and fats are not broken down as efficiently.

The reason for this condition may be a lack of iodine in the body, the assimilation of which depends, in turn, on the level of TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone. TSH, through the activation of its receptor, stimulates the flow of iodine into the thyrocyte (epithelial cells in the thyroid gland), the formation of iodothyronine , the splitting of thyroglobulin with the release of thyroid hormones.

With hypofunction of the thyroid gland, the flow of iodine into the thyrocyte and the breakdown of thyroglobulin increase , with hyperfunction, the flow of iodine and the breakdown of thyroglobulin are inhibited.

With a decrease in the intake of iodine in the body, TSH activates receptors, while the level of TSH does not increase, but the gland itself increases in size (hypertrophy, endemic goiter). With iodine deficiency, receptor sensitivity decreases and the level of TSH and the level of thyroid glands (free T4) increase.

Myth number 3. Being overweight during menopause can cause fractures

Actually: YES

Estradiol in women is a real “protector” of bone tissue, it does not allow parathyroid hormone to “take” calcium from the bone. Bone loss mostly affects postmenopausal women – one in three suffers from osteoporosis. In addition to hormonal disorders, the cause of this disease can be a hereditary predisposition to fractures, insufficient calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency, long-term use of certain drugs ( glucocorticosteroids , anticonvulsants, thyroid drugs).

In order to confirm the diagnosis of osteoporosis, to assess the state of mineral metabolism and bone metabolism in order to select adequate pharmacotherapeutic support, a number of studies can be performed at CITILAB, including complex ones.

Myth number 4. Obesity can be a harbinger of cancer

Actually: YES

It is reliably known that such a connection exists. However, the reasons for the “start” of tumor growth are being specified. Many scientists believe that trans fats trigger carcinogenesis in this case.

In fact, these are polymer formations that are formed after repeated heating of the oil. A significant amount of trans fats is present in purchased confectionery, convenience foods, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.), spreads (butter substitute), quick soups, cheeses with hydrogenated butter.

Obesity is a reliable risk factor for endometrial cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma , stomach cancer, liver, kidney, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. In many cases, obesity is a consequence of metabolic syndrome, one of the signs of which in women is an increase in waist volume of more than 88 cm. Therefore, in order to eliminate risks, it is recommended to undergo regular screening for early detection of cancer. For example, CITILAB is official . The study reveals the risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases, chronic intoxication, metabolic disorders even when there are no symptoms (!). In Germany, ESPIRE Screen is required, without it medical life insurance is not issued .

Myth number 5. Weight training can help you lose weight during menopause

Actually: YES

Against the background of the extinction of the ovarian function, metabolism slows down, extra pounds accumulate imperceptibly, and the place of muscle mass that “melts” is taken by fat deposits. Strong muscles are the foundation of longevity. Scientists have proven that strength training is especially important during menopause . They accelerate metabolism, improve blood circulation and skin tone. It is enough to exercise 1-2 times a week for 45 minutes to maintain normal weight indicators. You can add lymphatic drainage massage to them once every 10-14 days: it helps to remove excess fluid, tones and makes the skin smooth.

It is important to remember that any physical activity is associated with health risks. To exclude them, CITILAB sports doctors have developed a special new complex . It provides a comprehensive assessment of your fitness readiness. 

How to stay toned and slim during menopause?

First of all, undergo a comprehensive examination at CITILAB and perform basic tests that exclude the risks of developing metabolic syndrome, oncology, thyroid disorders, and diabetes mellitus. If everything is within the normal range, review your diet.

1. Do not abruptly cut your diet. Reducing portions to a minimum size, on the contrary, leads to the fact that the body begins to store fat. Malnutrition reduces performance and leads to food breakdowns, especially in the evening.  

2. The diet must be balanced. Many women, in order to lose weight, begin to follow mono -diets – apple, rice, kefir. As a result, they limit the intake of entire food groups containing important nutrients, such as proteins. Such diets do not bring tangible results, and the kilograms quickly return.  

3. Control stress. An increase in the level of stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol in the blood causes a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin. As a result, excess glucose is stored in the form of body fat. To relieve stress, take a walk in the park, ride a bike, go to a bathhouse or get a massage. In short, do something nice for yourself.  

4. Eat fractionally. This will help keep your metabolic rate at an adequate level. Three meals and two snacks are the way to go.  

5. Don’t completely eliminate your favorite foods. A slice of dark chocolate, a cup of fresh strawberries with cream are permissible. Eat “forbidden” foods a little and no more than 1-2 times a week, preferably in the morning.  

Be healthy and beautiful!

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