Diet and nutrition for obesity

The problem of obesity is especially important among a third of the population of our planet. Especially it is common in Western countries, where people have a habit of eating only high-calorie fast foods. In connection with this, several variants of dietary nutrition have been developed, which allows to normalize the processes of nutrition, metabolism and rid of excess weight.

The main principle of dietary nutrition is a sharp rejection of products containing a high amount of carbohydrates. The degree of reduction in the energy value of products should correspond to the weight of the body exceeded. Based on calculations for extra pounds, nutritionists select the optimal food during the diet. Often, with obesity, the energy value of foods is estimated to be higher by forty percent of normal demand. It is important to take into account energy costs for physical activity. During dietary nutrition, obesity is simply necessary for sports, it is not even discussed.

In order to determine the desired mass of a person, nutritionists use standard calculations, taking into account the growth data and the type of human figure. Calculations can also be made using a nomograph. It allows you to accurately calculate the necessary mass for a person. Also, special attention should be paid to energy costs during physical exertion. The symbiosis of dietary nutrition and proper loads gives positive results already in the first weeks of action.

Principles of dietary nutrition for obesity
When creating a diet, it is important to consider all aspects of a balanced diet. You will have to give up high-calorie food. It is necessary to consume enough protein food and vitamins. Entering the diet should not become a shock to the body.

It is especially important to exclude easily soluble sugars from the diet. Science has proven that it is they that activate the lipolytic processes in the body and provoke the deposition of fats. You can replace them with polysaccharides. As a rule, with excess weight, nutritionists recommend diets with an energy value of up to 2000 kcal. Restrictions on food primarily affect carbohydrates. There are times when a person can not do without sugar, then it is necessary to choose substitutes.

To achieve a really good result, you need to exclude from the diet in the first place: porridge, potatoes, flour products and starch. Boiled meat, fish, cottage cheese, chicken eggs and greens should be eaten in sufficient quantities. A natural source of protein can be found in such products: lentils, beans, peas, nuts.

Good to know! People who are obese should not exclude fatty foods from the diet. Scientifically proven that fatty foods containing natural oils have a beneficial effect on the human body. This is explained by the fact that fatty food can saturate a person for a longer time. He does not have to make snacks so often. Therefore, during the treatment of obesity, the patient can consume 70-100 grams of fats daily, of which 20-25 g give a long feeling of satiety, that is, reduce appetite. In addition, food fats inhibit the secretion of insulin, which accelerates the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

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