With the current state of the doctrine of allergies to the forefront
some of the main processes discussed below
causing hypersensitivity depending on
various pathogenetic mechanisms.

The response in this case, He is always monotonous;
sometimes they are pathogenetically different and have special clinical
by signs.

The most significant for these reactions are:

essence, chemical and physical structure of reactogens and ways
their effects;

hereditary sensitivity (state of “atopy”)
and a changing constitution;

neuroreflex activity;

mediators – histamine, heparin, acetylcholine, adrenaline, histam-
like substances, some polypeptides and other proteins

reticulo-histiocytic system;

humoral changes and phenomena that may accompany
some hypersensitivity reactions;

external environment, working and living conditions.

Of paramount importance from a clinical and pathogenetic point
vision has recognition of several types of allergies, depending on
bridges from the antigen-antibody reaction, the nature of the anti-
body, humoral changes, mediator involvement and involvement of different
systems and organs.

Schematically, according to their manifestations, allergic reactions can
attributed to the following types:

Allergic reactions that occur quickly and clinically
cramping in acute vascular and edematous processes that
pass quickly, but are prone to relapse. These are histamine-type reactions
new outbreaks that occur in a person suddenly. Reason for them
development is the interaction of antigen with antibody, accompanied by-
which is fast and significant in the release of hist
mine. The antibody formed during these reactions is of type B: –
H Y1 – non-precipitating globulins. They can be found in
ral fluids and in tissues of some organs.

In reactions such as anaphylactic hypersensitivity to
heterogeneous proteins, in which precipitating antibodies such as Yo globulin are detected in the blood serum, also occurs
binding of antigen to antibody, which leads to the release of hist
mine in large numbers, but in these cases there is an image
the formation of microprecipitins. With these reactions, significant
has neuroreflex activity. These are experimentally
called anaphylaxis and shock in animals, serum sickness in humans
Beka, (enomennl Praustnitz Kiistner’a, Arthus’a Sanarelli, Schwartzman,
who explain the pathogenesis of some anaphylactoses.

A special type is lactally expressed allergic re-
shares without the possibility of passive transfer and without changes
blood flow. Recently, such reactions have been tolerated.
intact or fragmented white blood cells. These reactions cause
antibodies that have settled and remain in place and are characterized by
conditioned reflex reaction, as for any local inflammatory
process of a different origin.

The antigens of such allergization are microorganisms and their
products, as well as some chemicals that with KOH-
tact exposure sensitizes the body. Clinical types
these reactions are tuberculin reactions in tuberculosis, lue
tinnitus with syphilis, trichophytin with trichophytosis, maleic
with glanders, reactions with scleroma, soft chancre, etc. For dermato-
it is especially important for a log to know that such is the nature of reactions in contact
caused sensitization dermatitis.

With other types of reactions and diseases of hypersensitivity
fixation of complement acting as
enzyme. The pathogenetic mechanism of these reactions has not yet been elucidated. That-
the diseases caused by auto-and isosensitizers of the M3 group so
called – collagenoses, “atopic dermatitis”, etc. With them
the influence of neuroreflex activity, hereditary and constitutive
environmental and environmental factors come forward at first
plan. This is why these reactions generally manifest themselves as unspecified.
digital polysensitization reactions by many reactogens of various
nature, including even physical influences.

As for antigens that can cause some of
listed types of allergic reactions, then they can be
the most diverse – heterogeneous, protein, chemical or
medicinal substances, microbes and their products, physical
factors, etc. In order to have one or HHOH THM OT-
sensitization of the veterinary reaction, the method and route of administration are important
antigen, duration of contact of antigens with the body, their number,
structure, components, etc. Of course, this is not an exhaustive question.
is. Of great importance for each allergic reaction is the
standing of the body as a whole, some organic, temporary or
long-term disorders, age factor, environment, lifestyle, etc.

There are a lot of “allergic” diseases and syndromes in dermatology.
The skin is an organ with two sides: one is ectodermal
origin – facing “out”, to the external environment, and the other –
of mesodermal origin, turned “inward” – to the internal environment of the body. Therefore, unlike other organs, the skin is
gives all sensitization responses described above
and these reactions have different pathogenetic mechanisms.

Due to its constant extrareceptor (probably interceptor ) function and connection with the nervous system through
conditioned and conditioned reflex activity, the skin can react
to be sensitive or sensitized to influences from within or
from the outside. Often, skin reactions also cover the mucous membranes.
Many skin reactions are an expression of a general reaction (asthma
and eczema, urticaria and colitis, collagenoses with skin phenomena,
jerky allergens with skin phenomena, atopic dermatitis with
damage to the gastrointestinal tract and liver, etc., etc.). About everything
humoral and other phenomena observed during
many allergic dermatoses.
We also mean disorders of neuro-reflex activity.
(impaired vasomotor activity of the skin, secretory changes,
pilomotor reflexes, etc.), zosinophilia in the skin and blood,
manifestations of histamine-neptic ability of plasma and serum, phenomena
hemoclasia, the presence or absence of gamma globulins, capable of
histamine histamine, sensitizing antibody detection when
skin allergosis, etc. – the phenomena that occur with many allergies
gical conditions of the skin.

At present, the clarification of the nature and type of reactions of sensi
to a large extent contribute to: skin tests, detection
the loading of iso- and other antibodies using nephelometric studies
blood serum and antigens, determination of microrecipitins,
erythrocyte resistance, thrombopenic index, bioelectrome-
three studies of pH and E, blood tests before and after in 3-
action of antigen taken orally, electroencephalography, micro
electrophoresis and other methods. To all this should be added
the significance of certain types of histological reactions inherent in such
genus processes (tissue eosinophilia, fibrin deposition in the colla-
gene, vascular changes, etc.).

Of particular importance are some hypersensitivity diseases.
in childhood. In children, atopic
dermatitis “and strofulus, and they emphasize family pre-
location and role of constitutional factors. Often in anam-
parents have asthma, colitis, labile nervous activity
pregnancy, drug sensitivity, vasomotor rhinitis, kra-
brewery and other allergic diseases. Such children are often hypertrophic
fichny, pasty, thymo-lymphatic, they find a white dermo-
graphism eosinophilia, children react violently to protein antigens,
medicines, dust, vaccines and serums, some foods,
their sensitization varies at different times of the year, depending
from residence and others. This type of reaction is largely
is an expression of paraallergy and polysensitization. From here
Great difficulties arise in desensitization and treatment. body environment. Therefore, unlike other organs, the skin is
gives all sensitization responses described above
and these reactions have different pathogenetic mechanisms.

Due to its constant extrareceptor (probably interceptor ) function and connection with the nervous system through
conditioned and conditioned reflex activity, the skin can react
to be sensitive or sensitized to influences from within or
from the outside. Often, skin reactions also cover the mucous membranes.
Many skin reactions are an expression of a general reaction (asthma
and eczema, urticaria and colitis, collagenoses with skin phenomena,
jerky allergens with skin phenomena, atopic dermatitis with
damage to the gastrointestinal tract and liver, etc., etc.). About everything
humoral and other phenomena observed during
many allergic dermatoses.
We also mean disorders of neuro-reflex activity.
(impaired vasomotor activity of the skin, secretory changes,
pilomotor reflexes, etc.), zosinophilia in the skin and blood,
manifestations of histamine-neptic ability of plasma and serum, phenomena
hemoclasia, the presence or absence of gamma globulins, capable of
histamine histamine, sensitizing antibody detection when
skin allergosis, etc. – the phenomena that occur with many allergies
gical conditions of the skin.

At present, the clarification of the nature and type of reactions of sensi
to a large extent contribute to: skin tests, detection
the loading of iso- and other antibodies using nephelometric studies
blood serum and antigens, determination of microrecipitins,
erythrocyte resistance, thrombopenic index, bioelectrome-
three studies of pH and E, blood tests before and after in 3-
action of antigen taken orally, electroencephalography, micro
electrophoresis and other methods. To all this should be added
the significance of certain types of histological reactions inherent in such
genus processes (tissue eosinophilia, fibrin deposition in the colla-
gene, vascular changes, etc.).

Of particular importance are some hypersensitivity diseases.
in childhood. In children, atopic
dermatitis “and strofulus, and they emphasize family pre-
location and role of constitutional factors. Often in anam-
parents have asthma, colitis, labile nervous activity
pregnancy, drug sensitivity, vasomotor rhinitis, kra-
brewery and other allergic diseases. Such children are often hypertrophic
fichny, pasty, thymo-lymphatic, they find a white dermo-
graphism eosinophilia, children react violently to protein antigens,
medicines, dust, vaccines and serums, some foods,
their sensitization varies at different times of the year, depending
from residence and others. This type of reaction is largely
is an expression of paraallergy and polysensitization. From here
Great difficulties arise in desensitization and treatment.

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