
General information

Alcoholism is a disease that occurs as a result of the addiction to alcohol often and in excessive quantities. Alcoholics become addicted to alcohol. If you sharply deprive them of the opportunity to drink, it can cause withdrawal symptoms, which include symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, anxiety, hallucinations, trembling, etc. Alcoholism disrupts brain activity and memory, impairs physical ability, a person begins to commit unreasonable acts. Reasons for the development of alcoholism 

There are many reasons why a person may become addicted to alcohol. This can be stress as a result of emotional conflict, bereavement (for example, death of a loved one), difficulties at work. Alcoholism contributes to the depressive nature of the person with low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with their actions and actions. The hereditary factor is important, as well as various environmental and cultural factors.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse affects a person’s ability to make everyday decisions, making him irresponsible. Alcoholics may not go to work or attend classes; they have difficulty communicating. At the final stages of alcoholism, they are unable to take care of even themselves.

The first signs of alcoholism can be suspected if a person:

-drinks alcohol in order to forget about all the problems, – drinks in the morning or alone,
– when intoxicated, can harm himself or others,
– needs more and more alcohol,
– loses control over himself.

If you or your loved ones have such problems, try to see a doctor.


Alcoholics change their values, interests, and social circle. The worst thing is that these changes are present not only in a state of intoxication, but also in bright sober intervals. The complications of alcoholism include: 

– Anxiety and depression, sometimes leading to suicide attempts;
– loss of appetite,
– cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis , cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis , psychosis, peripheral neuropathy (peripheral neuritis), – damage to the fetus during alcohol abuse during pregnancy. This syndrome is called the fetus, it includes birth defects and malformations and mental disorders in the future. What can you do

You need to stop drinking alcohol. Seek support and help from loved ones. They love you and want you to be healthy. There are special doctors dealing with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction. There is nothing wrong with visiting such doctors and medical centers. In addition, a hotline system is now well developed.

If there is a person with alcoholism in your family, you must do everything possible so that he agrees to turn to a professional for help. In no case do not help the alcoholic achieve what he wants. Instead of feeling sorry for him, let him face the consequences of his own actions. An alcoholic must independently realize that one cannot live on like this. You can only help him come to this decision. What can your doctor do?

In such cases, treatment with detoxification and rehabilitation is carried out. To identify possible complications, tests and other studies are performed. Appoint appropriate treatment. During therapy, the support of relatives is very important for the patient, he should feel that they value and love him even in the current situation.

Preventative measures

Alcoholism develops gradually. If you are trying to solve your problems with alcohol or just drink alcohol daily, you should think about your condition. If you decide to fight your addiction, try the following tips:

Reduce the time you spend with people who drink. Avoid the place and the company in which you usually drink – try to control the amount of drink. You can have a cocktail or a glass of wine during the celebration, but only one. The rest of the drinks should be non-alcoholic; – Do not drink while driving. If you decide to have a drink, make sure that someone who does not drink takes you home; – Refrain from drinking alcohol if someone in your family has suffered from alcoholism; – try to abandon all bad habits, very often the first pulls the next; – Do not use alcohol as a remedy for problems. If you have difficulties at home or at work, talk with a friend, relative, member of your church community, or a trusted doctor.

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