Month: July 2018



Now there are several types, certain groups that affect the pathogenic organisms (except for broad-spectrum drugs). To determine the purpose of the drug, the doctor must accurately determine the type of infectious disease, pathogen and sensitivity to the selected active substance. At appointment all is considered: age, weight of the patient, allergic reactions, severity of […]

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The effect of antibiotics on the body

There are no medicines that can cure diseases without detriment to the human body. This applies to any medications, including antibiotics. But without the use of medications prescribed by a doctor, it is impossible to cope with severe infectious diseases. Such is the pattern. A bit of history In 1928 a new era began in […]

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What should I do to save the work of the spleen as much as possible?

Splenic organ is responsible for the action of moisture in the body. When antibiotics disrupt the functioning of the spleen, the body accumulates fluid and forms sputum. This causes the development of pathologies (inflammatory processes of the ear, tonsillitis, allergies, spleen accumulation, which leads to cough and respiratory tract ailments). Given the weakened state of […]

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Why is immunity violated?

By provoking the destruction and complete destruction of the necessary microorganisms, antibiotics weaken the immune system. For bacteria and fungi of the gastrointestinal tract, the absence of which disrupts the digestive function or makes it impossible, such effects are dangerous. These microorganisms allow to correctly digest and assimilate the substances coming from food. Destroy and […]

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How antibiotics affect children’s body

How antibiotics affect children’s body Antibiotics are excellent for treating infections caused by bacteria, fungi and protozoa. In the presence of diseases that cause the above pathogens, without the help of antibiotics can not cope in any way. The harmful effects of antibiotics on the child’s body (in one way or another) are manifested in […]

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When is it possible to do without antibiotics?

All mummies can be conditionally divided into 2 groups (according to their relation to antibacterial drugs): The first group blindly supports the erroneous opinion that any childhood illness can be cured without the help of antibiotics. These drugs act for them in the role of a kind of monster, which devours the immunity and gastrointestinal […]

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