Year: 2017


Antibiotics. Application rules

A good time of the day, dear friend! The article will be devoted to the correct use of antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are medicines, without which many infectious diseases that are successfully treated now would lead to death. For example, pneumonia. Previously, a huge number of people died from it, and now the death from pneumonia […]

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Men's Health

10 reasons to lie down and take a nap during a working break

Extra sleep can strengthen your memory, relieve stress and improve the quality of your sex life. In the office, of course, you will look crooked, but do not give up, defend your right to sleep – the Japanese generally do it all. 1. You will make up for a lack of sleep Let’s admit, you […]

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Men's Health

13 phrases that it is better not to say in the doctor’s office

1. Something you, the doctor, some shabby. Are you REALLY a doctor? If the doctor did not like you – appearance, manner of speaking, strongly intelligent look or vice versa – do not tell him anything. Make a note to another Aesculapius. As one of the medical luminaries used to say, there are three of […]

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Men's Health


OFFICIAL MEDICINE: ABUSE – HARM! Representatives of official medicine advocate constant sexual relations among men of all ages. Moreover, there is a claim that regular sex life is an integral part of men’s health. PROSTATITIS Regular sexual life is recommended by urologists as an obligatory condition for the treatment of chronic prostatitis! However, this is […]

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Men's Health


WHAT SHOULD WE MAKE FOR THE MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT OF THE TESTOSTERONE WHILE SLEEPING? DURATION OF SLEEP Sleep for 6-8 hours a day. This is just as much as necessary for sleep, and not at all the amount of time you spend in bed. A deep sleep is the time of testosterone. Scientists who study sleep […]

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Men's Health


HEALTH INDICATORS OF SCHERMOTAZOIDS Amount. The normal indicator of the number of sperm per 1 ml of sperm is about 20 million. But this is not the most important indicator, since only one sperm is needed to fertilize the egg. Quality. A normal indicator of the quality of spermatozoa is not more than 50% of […]

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Men's Health

How to accelerate the growth of the beard in home conditions?

Why does one have a beard, and do not have others? There is simply no exact answer to this question, but there are several assumptions on this topic: 1. Heredity and genetics. Perhaps, this is the most obvious factor, why some people have an abundant growth of hair on their face, while others do not. […]

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Weight Loss

Xenical in the complex therapy of metabolic syndrome

Interest in the metabolic syndrome in recent years has increased dramatically from various specialists, due to the discovery of subtle molecular mechanisms of interaction of insulin and other factors in various target tissues. G.M. Reaven [5] associates the development of clinical signs of this complex syndrome with insulin resistance, so many suggest the name of […]

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Men's Health

Le rôle de tadalafil (Cialis) dans la rééducation des patients après prostatectomie préservant les filets nerveux

Un nombre croissant de patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate est actuellement réalisée prostatectomie, et devient donc préservation des nerfs problème particulièrement aigu de leur réadaptation, y compris la restauration d’une érection. Un moyen de traitement de première ligne de la dysfonction érectile chez ces patients sont des inhibiteurs de la phosphodiestérase-5 (PDE-5), en […]

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