What is the use of fish oil for men?

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet Union successfully completed studies that established the value of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for the human body. Scientists have identified a lack of these substances in the human body. Such pathological conditions as rickets, night blindness, impotence at a young age, anemia of different types were associated with a shortage of these organic compounds in the diet of Soviet citizens. A natural, richest source of PUFA was a special food supplement. Fish oil for men is very useful. It contributes to a significant improvement in fertility, is the best prevention for the functioning of the heart muscle, provides a rapid build-up of muscle mass.

Once the leadership of the Soviet Union took immediate measures, including dietary supplements in the children’s diet. Since the USSR medicine was strictly socially oriented, it was of a mass, compulsory nature, the measures taken were widely spread. A valuable product was not liked by everyone for the unpleasant taste for many people. The situation was exacerbated by scientific discoveries that occurred in the late 60’s, refuting the myth of the unconditional value of fish oil for the human body. In 1970, a decision was made to exclude BAA from the arsenal of Soviet medicine.

Now fish oil has the status of an important, useful food supplement that can increase a man’s potency, make everyone better. Consider impartially the benefits and possible harm of fish oil for the health of men.

What is fish oil?

It is strange, but fish oil is not by all people identified with fish and products of its processing. Let’s draw an analogy with the sweets “bird’s milk”, in which the filling from a delicate souffle has the name of a product that does not exist in nature. People mistakenly believe that fish oil is a rare kind of vegetable oil or a product of food chemistry.

Fish oil is a natural product, a real fish fat. This dietary supplement is obtained in the process of heating fat from the cod liver. In this way, three product fractions are obtained: white, yellow, brown. The first fraction is the most valuable, it is used mainly for pharmacological purposes, it is from this type of fat that dietary supplements are created. The second fraction is used by pharmacists much less often. The third fraction is used exclusively for technical purposes.

Fish oil composition

Fish oil is a substance reminiscent of the consistency and color of refined vegetable oil. On this similarity ends – the composition of the product differs dramatically from the composition of any other edible fat in that it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids – Omega 3 (w-3), Omega 6 (w-6).

PUFA Omega-3, Omega-6

The name of these substances is related to their graphical formula, where on the so-called w-angle after the third and sixth carbon atoms there is a double carbon-carbon bond. In total, 11 acids belong to omega-3, the most important for human health will be three: α-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic. To omega-6 also include 11 acids, the most important for the body – linoleic, arachidonic.

Both complexes of biochemical compounds are important for the human body – they contribute to the acceleration of metabolic reactions, the regeneration of tissues (PUFA is the building material from which the body makes the cell walls), affect the growth of the child and adolescent organism, contribute to the normalization and enhancement of male potency (affect the development of the main androgen in the male body – testosterone).

If we analyze the difference between w-3 and w-6, then the most significant difference in organic compounds will be their competitiveness – the w-3 value for the organism is much larger than w-6. This is reflected in the speed of synthesis of the necessary substances, the need and efficiency of regeneration processes, the construction of cell membranes, metabolism. Omega-3 is more useful than Omega-6.

Important! Excess PUFA can harm male health. w-6 promotes the spontaneous activation of platelets, causes them to stick together, get lost in the heap, contributing to the process of thrombosis. Excess w-3 can cause the development of autoimmune diseases, uncontrolled cell growth, prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma).


Glycerides – the general name of glycerol esters (simple alcohol) and some fatty acids. Fish oil contains the following varieties of glycerides: oleic and palmitic fatty acids.

  • Oleic acid is a representative of w-9 unsaturated fatty acids. Insignificant volumes of it are synthesized by the human body. If there are w-3 and w-6 PUFAs, the human body will not need this acid as a nutritional supplement, since it is capable of producing oleic acid by itself by splitting omega-3 and omega-6. Oleic acid is important for health – it can regulate the level of “bad cholesterol” in the blood, reducing its danger. Normalizes the glucose content, reducing the risk of diabetes. Strengthens immunity, reduces the possibility of oncological diseases.
  • Palmitic acid is the most common substance in human food, everyday and necessary. It is synthesized by the human body.

Vitamins A, D

Vitamins are cofactor substances that are of great catalytic importance for any living organism. Thanks to vitamins, virtually all biochemical reactions are possible.

In fish oil contains two vitamins – A, D. Is this a lot or not? Are these coenzymes important or not? Note that in nature there are 33 necessary for the human vitamin, of which only three organisms are not able to synthesize independently – A, D and niacin. It is easy to understand the importance of these substances in the composition of fish oil for the health of any organism.

Consider in more detail the importance of vitamins A and D for health:

  • Vitamin A. Very useful, vital substance. Contained in animal products (retinol) and plant origin (carotenoids, xanthophiles). Vitamin A promotes the synthesis of various enzymes, immunoglobulin A, sex hormones, interferon, rhodopsin, lysozyme. That is, vitamin A is needed to strengthen immunity, renewal and growth of body tissues, normalization of vision, male potency. Coenzyme A – a powerful antioxidant, promotes the binding of free radicals, which prematurely age the body.
  • Vitamin D. This coenzyme helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, promotes the multiplication of cells and the synthesis of certain hormones. It is extremely necessary for children and adolescents, during the stage of body growth. Coenzyme D is partially synthesized by the body under the influence of solar ultraviolet (D3, cholecalciferol), but mainly enters the body with food (D2, ergocalciferol). In combination with vitamin A – an effective remedy for rickets, osteoporosis, anemia of various types.

Attention! Vitamin A of animal origin is more useful for the human body than vegetable – it is quickly absorbed, a more active metabolite. But retinol disintegrates faster than carotenoids and xanthophiles, becomes a carcinogen and has a detrimental effect. Therefore, fish oil is used fresh, rancid stale product is harmful to the body. Fish oil in capsules is stored longer, but we must carefully treat information about the shelf life of dietary supplements, because the spoiled product in the capsule can not taste and determine the degree of its suitability.

Trace elements: phosphorus, iodine, sulfur and bromine

Microelements are useful and useful substances. Phosphorus, bromine, sulfur and iodine are constituent parts of fish oil, but their quantity is so negligible that they do not bring any significant benefit to the body. The indicated fact does not prevent the producers of dietary supplements from indicating the listed trace elements as an integral part of the food additive.

The benefits and possible harm of fish oil for men of different ages

The rarity of polyunsaturated fatty acids in nature, their useful qualities, special coenzymes and microelements make fish oil a valuable food additive. This was also realized by the dietitians of the Soviet Union in the far 60s, by appointing BAA as mandatory for use in childhood. Why, in 1970, was fish oil recognized by Soviet scientists as potentially dangerous? It turned out that the abundance of PUFA in a young organism can lead to a dangerous pathology – male infertility.

It was necessary to find the negative properties of the substance, as the fish oil was declared the enemy of male potency. But the useful qualities of dietary supplements have not disappeared, it is rather a cure for male impotence than poison for it. Justice was restored in 1993 – fish oil was returned to the title of a useful food supplement.

And yet you need to understand in detail, in what cases and at what age dietary supplement can bring a man a benefit, and in which – harm.

A young man (from twelve to twenty-five years old)

A man, from a biological point of view, will be considered a sexually mature male, capable of reproduction. Men of different races, nationalities achieve this ability in the period from 12 to 14 years.

Is fish oil useful at this age and will it matter for the sexual function of a young man? Considering the role played by the constituent parts of fish oil for the growth and renewal of body tissues, the positive answer is unambiguous. The young man is in a stage of rapid growth, he badly needs all the components of fish oil. Proliferation of cells, the production of enzymes and hormones requires PUFA and vitamin A, the growth of bone tissue – vitamin D. Fish oil can help a child to become a man, a typical representative of his sex.

Harm to the health of a young man can bring an excess of dietary supplements in the diet for a long time (about a year). The abundance of PUFAs adversely affects the mobility, viability of spermatozoa, causing their mass death. The death of spermatozoa is programmed by the body, and, even if the fish oil is removed from the human diet, a pathology of male infertility arises. Only expensive, complex treatment can restore reproductive function to a man in such cases.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the intake of dietary supplements at a young age, carefully study the instructions and doses of the drug, consult a doctor.

A young man (from twenty-five to forty-four)

A man from 25 to 44 years old is at the most productive age. In normal conditions – healthy food, no bad habits, good ecology – it makes no sense to consume fish oil as a food supplement. If a man at this age does not lead the healthiest way of life – he eats poorly, is surrounded by bad ecology and works on a dangerous production for health – periodic consumption of dietary supplements will not be superfluous.

A mature man (from forty-four to sixty)

The age range from 44 to 60 years is the time when a man’s testosterone deficiency in the body increases, dyshormonal dysfunction appears, and men’s menopause occurs. PUFA omega-3 affects the synthesis of the testosterone hormone required by a man at this age. It also helps to improve blood flow, which is good for male potency. Fish oil is an excellent means of preventing prostatitis and prostatodynia.

Important! Recent studies of Russian medical science have revealed the effect of Omega-3 PUFA on prostatic hyperplasia, establishing a possible relationship between the development of prostate cancer and the level of this substance in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to use the drug cautiously in those cases when benign formations of the type of prostate adenoma are found in the body.

A man’s life after sixty years

If you omit the influence of omega-3 on the hyperplasia of prostate cells, then fish oil can be called the most real medicine for old age. A powerful antioxidant retinol can significantly slow down the aging process. PUFAs of omega-3 and omega-6 will restore the cell population, restoring elasticity to the skin, elasticity of the muscles.

Vitamin D will help to cope with osteoporosis, making bones strong and young. And if a man over 60 is not threatened with prostate adenoma by the doctor’s conclusion, preparations based on fish oil are very useful for him!

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