Representatives of official medicine advocate constant sexual relations among men of all ages. Moreover, there is a claim that regular sex life is an integral part of men’s health.


Regular sexual life is recommended by urologists as an obligatory condition for the treatment of chronic prostatitis!

However, this is true, for the most part, for the therapy of congestive forms of prostatitis, and not bacterial. So, during the course of treatment and for several months after it, it is recommended to have regular sexual relations. Rhythmic filling and emptying of the prostate, according to urologists, contributes to the enhancement and preservation of its functionality. This is especially true for men of middle and older ages, when manifestations of prostatitis are most frequent.


Long-term sexual abstinence (from several years), according to doctors, can lead to a complete inability to commit sexual intercourse. This effect can be caused by “turning off” the erectile function, as if a person did not use muscles, and they gradually atrophied.

Regarding the change in the hormonal background during abstinence, one of the studies showed the maximum increase in endogenous testosterone in men on the 7th day of abstinence, after which the level of the hormone gradually decreased to the initial level. However, there is no evidence of the effect of prolonged sexual abstinence on the level of sex hormones.


A sedentary lifestyle associated with work or other causes is one of the precursors of modern diseases: obesity, cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic syndrome, etc. Sexual contact, in addition to satisfying carnal pleasures, is some form of physical activity, contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, Cardiovascular diseases.

It is difficult to say how significant such a contribution is in preventing general hypodynamia and heart pathologies, but doctors tend to regard sex as one of the pleasant types of physical activity, with all its positive properties.


On the impact of abstinence on the quality of sperm, there is no unequivocal opinion, since research in this area is controversial.

Opinion 1: In case of problems with conception, non-prolonged abstinence is recommended. This is argued by the fact that the amount of ejaculate (and spermatozoa) while increasing. However, it is important to understand that spermatozoa should primarily have the ability to fertilize an egg, that is, to be mobile. Their number only increases the chance that one of the spermatozoa will be able to do this.

Opinion 2: in case of problems with conception, rapid ejaculation is recommended. This is argued by improving sperm quality, by constantly updating spermatozoa and removing their “old” brethren.


Depending on the male’s sexual constitution, abstinence can lead to behavioral changes: in many individuals, sexual abstinence is manifested by quick temper and irritability. This behavior is typical of men with a high sexual constitution, when the lack of sexual energy releases causes internal discomfort. Depending on the sexual temperament, in some individuals, characteristic changes in behavior may appear after a few days of abstinence.

Some men are much easier to tolerate the absence of sexual discharge and may not notice any discomfort at all. Perhaps this is also associated with a low sexual constitution.


The first case, when medicine recommends refraining from sexual intercourse, is the presence of acute cardiac pathologies in men. In this case, sexual contact can cause death. Especially since the stories are already known such cases.

The second case, when medicine recognizes abstinence is appropriate and even desirable, is the rejection of illegible sexual relations, without the use of contraception (condoms). Such connections, in addition to the direct risk of infection with STDs, provoke the introduction of a foreign bacterial microflora with subsequent risk of complications if there is a weakening of the immune system.



In the Taoist sexual practices of antiquity, popularized by some modern authors, one of which is Mantak Chia, men sought to minimize the loss of seminal fluid. The Taoists believed that, together with the seed, the man loses his vitality, which could be used to improve the body, transform into creativity.

However, this does not mean that the Taoists did not have sex. On the contrary, their sexual contacts by their number and duration exceeded many of the reasonable limits of the present time. But how did they manage to save the seed and have sex? The fact is that the Taoists first discovered that orgasm and ejaculation are two different processes that can be separated at will, using special techniques. Such sexual practice allowed to have many orgasms in a row without losing ejaculation. As a result, the man not only did not lose sexual energy with ejaculation, but was additionally charged with it, receiving an orgasm without ejaculation, and also fully controlled the duration of the sexual intercourse and their number.

The ability to receive an unlimited number of orgasms without losing erection was called multiple orgasms in men.


Many examples of the use of Taoist concepts (perhaps not realized) can be seen in modern life. For example, the great boxer Mohammed Ali, abstained from sex several weeks before the upcoming fight, arguing this by preserving and multiplying the forces for the fight. This tactic has been adopted by many athletes of our time, and abstaining from important competitions is a common practice in amateur and professional sports.

Not only sports successes can be improved by saving and redirecting sexual energy. Many talented and non-ordinary personalities use sexual energy to improve their creative potential in such areas as art, business, self-development. In one of the bestsellers in the business literature genre, Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, one of the steps to prosperity is called as “The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation.” The essence of sexual transmutation is to channel sexual energy into the right direction. The author gives his observations based on the analysis of biographies of successful men, that many of them achieved success at the age of 50-60 years, when they learned to save and use their sexual energy to improve their creative potential.


Sperm contains a large number of substances important to the health of the body (ascorbic acid, zinc, docosahexaenoic acid, choline, vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium), which leave it during ejaculation. With frequent ejaculation, depletion of nutrient reserves is possible, which negatively affects overall health. In addition, the production of sperm consumes energy, which could be used to restore the body.

Abstinence promotes the reuse of seminal fluid, and due to this reabsorption, positively affects the health of the individual and his thinking abilities.


What conclusions can be drawn based on all of the above? First of all:

  1. Unintelligible sexual intercourse without the use of contraception uniquely detrimental to the health of men;
  2. Your frequency of sexual life should match your sexual constitution, that is, for each man there will be an optimal rhythm of sexual life, which you must adhere to. Forcing or reducing the number of sexual acts with respect to your sexual constitution can have a detrimental effect on physical and emotional health. For middle-aged men, the so-called conventionally physiological rhythm is the norm, the frequency of sexual acts at which it reaches 2-3 times a week. However, if your needs are not written out in a given amount, forcing will only lead to fatigue;
  3. Sexual energy can be used to improve creative and athletic performance.

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