Likbez about yoga, part 1

Yoga – is another, dangerous deception of parasites, part 1

Yoga and “smart Hindus” – this is another major blend invented by parasites to deceive the white population of the planet. The author shows that there is not even a clear definition of Yoga, and not just an “ancient” system of something there …

Likbez about yoga, part 1

When you talk about the harm of yoga, many similar comments and objections from its lovers come in. They all boil down to such moments:

– wrong yoga is harmful, and correct yoga is useful.

Bad teachers do harm.

– The stupid practice (fanaticism, excess, incapacity) is harmful.

– Yoga is the wisest teaching, proven by millennia.

– the benefits of yoga are confirmed by scientific research.

Here, a session of exposure and disruption of the covers suggests itself. In my answer, I will rely mainly on one of the best monographs on the yoga of Mark Singleton’s “The Body of Yoga: the Origins of Modern Postural Practice.” This is a doctoral dissertation, very thoroughly exploring the history of yoga from the very beginning, with a bunch of references and citations. If for someone it is important – then the author is a great yoga lover.

1. What is yoga?

This is in fact a key question, the answer to which explains a lot and removes many objections at once. In fact, – what is yoga? Physiotherapy? Breathing exercises? Bullying a body? Diet? Lifestyle? Meditation? Service to God? All this together? Or some combination of these or other elements?

Fun is that no one knows what yoga is. Nobody has the right to the formulation – “yoga is this and that and that”. One can only say that “in the opinion of such and such Vasi Pupkin, yoga is blah-blah-blah.” Because there is no specific and generally accepted definition, and there are no specific generally accepted methods.

In different countries, at different times yoga is understood and understood as diametrically opposed practices, with absolutely different goals and absolutely different methods of achieving them. There were 100,000 gurus in the story, and each one devised his yoga. In the ancient Indian texts are mentioned a variety of yogis – and which one is correct, real?

Now in the West (and in Russia, respectively), yoga is a synonym for some health improving gymnastics, supposedly of ancient Indian origin (in fact, this is an insolent lie, but more about this later). Usually such yoga-gymnastics is called postural (pose), or hatha yoga.

And there were times when yoga was not something that was not associated with accepting any poses, and this connection was directly denied by most gurus and explorers, and pose yoga was utterly cursed. Mark Singleton writes:

“For at least three decades after the publication of Raja Yoga, popular yoga literature in both India and the West continues to be viewed with suspicion or simply ignored hatha yoga. Krishnan Lal Sondhi quotes excerpts from the journal of the Institute of Innovative Yoga of Sri Jogendra, founded in 1918: “In India, recently, there has been a tendency to avoid hatha yoga as something undesirable and even dangerous. Even great minds like Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Ramana Maharshi, speak only of raja yoga, bhakti-yoga, jnana-yoga, etc., that is, those yogis that are related to higher mental processes and disciplines, and consider hatha yoga something dangerous or unnecessary … “(Sondhi 1962: 63).

“Yoga-posturalists,” the recipients of the postures, until the beginning of the 20th century were considered simply booby clowns and degenerates. Again Singleton:

“For decades before and after reforming yoga Vivekananda, common to European science, was to characterize yogis as dangerous, mendicant tricksters, often in opposition to the contemplative, pious practices of” true “yoga. In this sense, science has facilitated the placement of hatha yogis with their practitioners beyond acceptable religious rites. For example, the American Sanskritologist E.V. Hopkins in his work “Religions of India” in 1885, writes that “yogi jugglers” today share with Islamic fakirs the reputation of “not so much ascetics as scammers …” (E.W. Hopkins1970 [1885]: 486 n.1).

/ – /

“Two years later, V.J. Wilkins in Modern Hinduism wrote that the yogis were simply “fortune tellers,” “wizards,” and “jugglers” who impose themselves on ignorant and gullible people (Wilkins, 87). No author considers these yogis as legitimate representatives of Hinduism and does not give any serious attention to their religious worldview or their practices, as effective in themselves. It is worth noting an essay on the techniques of yoga in the “Great Epic” by Hopkins (1901), which gives “classical” and “Vedic” examples of ascetic practices, but “these specimens,” he believes, “do not have brains in their heads” and “almost idiots” (1901: 370). He insists that it would be a mistake to consider postural asceticism – such as the well-known posture in which the yogi holds his foot behind the neck (“shirshasana’s ekapada” from Iyengar) – like yoga, despite the fact that a practitioner can call himself a yogi … ”

Here, Hinduism constantly pedals, because from time immemorial, yoga could be divided into two, slightly overlapping subsets: “yoga religion” and “yoga sport.” Each of these large directions in turn was broken up into dozens, if not hundreds of sub-variants. Singleton in the historical part of his monograph cites numerous examples of such “yogic schools”:

– in the 16th and 18th centuries these were simply gangs of bandits who practiced one of the Indian pagan cults and engaged in banditry and mercenaries.

– Then – street fakirs-beggars.

– followers of Krishna and other Hinduism, engaged in religious meditations.

– Indian bodybuilders early 20 th century, bred in India after the tour there, Eugene Sandova.

– revolutionary circles of young people engaged in gymnastics to strengthen the body and spirit.

– mugs of hand-to-hand fighting to fight against English colonization.

– followers of Vivekananda, engaged exclusively in meditative raja yoga.

Here’s about the last Singleton wrote:

“For our purposes, it is important that Vivekananda uncompromisingly rejects the body practices of Hatha Yoga uncompromisingly, completely and completely,” We have nothing to do with it here, because its practices are very difficult, can not be mastered in a day and do not lead to spiritual growth … “(Vivekananda 1992 [1896]: 20). He recognizes that while “one or two simple lessons of hatha yoga are very useful” (namely, neti-kriya or a nose wash with a headache), the main task and result of hatha yoga is “to make people long-livers” and give them perfect health – is the lowest goal for the seeker of spiritual knowledge … ”

Or take the same Blavatsky:

“The Hatha Yogi for Blavatsky is an ignorant sorcerer, the embodiment of” thristy-distilled egoism “(1982d: 160), which communicates with the devil, and his ascetic practices are a kind of” hereditary disease “…”

In this regard, it was especially ridiculous for me to read the comments on the post from the fanatics of yoga who were terribly offended for their favorite postural yoga, which I defined as the dregs of ignorant savages sucked from the dirty finger.

Actually, I did not say anything new, but actually quoted the most famous Indian and Western thinkers. It was this attitude that prevailed to postural yoga and to those who do it, right up to the beginning of the 20th century. Just before the researchers were not shy in the expressions.

Hatha Yoga (in the form of health gymnastics) has been rehabilitated both in India itself and in the West literally in the last decades. Moreover, thanks to the fact that Western gymnastic techniques for developing the body penetrated into India, and the “real” Hatha Yoga was bashfully put in a dusty closet.

Here is the time to tell what is the correct Hatha Yoga, and why it caused such disgust for everyone. For this, one must turn to Indian written sources. Here the fans of yoga are waiting for another shocking discovery – no ancient treatises on yoga simply do not exist, and those sources that are – can not be taken seriously.

Two not only, but the most “great” and most popular ancient Indian texts about yoga – Patanjali (presumably the beginning of the millennium) and Hatha Yoga Pradipika (around the 15th and 16th centuries) – are literally a few pages of text. Moreover, the extremely ridiculous and unreasonable texts. Contradicting each other and themselves.

All that is said about the asanas (pose) in Patanjali – “the pose must be stable and comfortable.” Oops! Is it necessary to explain that one phrase completely kills all modern postural yoga? And this is not surprising, because in fact, Patanjali is the canonical text of yoga religion. However, what is the correct yoga religion from there still does not know.

In Patanjali, the second line is a line that they try to pass out for the definition of yoga:

yogaś-citta-vṛtti-nirodhaḥ yogash-citta-vrtti-nirodha

This is a text in the dead language of Sanskrit, which no one can translate unambiguously. Here are the variants of translations of this phrase I met in the Internet:

1) When you are in a state of yoga, all misunderstandings of human existence disappear.

2) Yoga is the containment of the functions of the mind.

3) Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively to the object and keep this direction, without being distracted.

4) Yoga is the cessation of the activity of consciousness.

5) Yoga is the suppression of Vritti (states, modifications) in Chitta (consciousness).

6) The essence of Yoga is to keep the matter of thought from accepting it of various modifications.

Well, how? If only four words can suck such a variety of interpretations – what kind of understanding of yoga based on Patanjali in general you can say? Even if the basic concepts are not defined? Chitta is either consciousness in general, or thoughts, or emotions, or focused attention. Or all this together?

Because of the difficulties of translation, in fact, the guiding texts are now used by the fantasies of translators and interpreters. The original source, as such, is not, but there is simply a set of vague and incoherent phrases, which each translates as it pleases.

This is somewhat similar to quatrains, the “prophecies” of Nostradamus, from which, if desired, you can suck any event in any era.

But here it is necessary to understand that Patanjali is still flowers, there are no bodily practices in fact there, it is a philosophical and religious text.

But they are in abundance in the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, which it is better not to read a full stomach. The fact is that this “treatise” describes in detail various steps and steps on the way to higher enlightenment and eternal youth. Among other things, it is proposed to do the following:

– To live a real yogi in a small house without windows, smeared with shit (apparently in a kennel or cave?).

– Every day he must prune himself with a sharp knife base of the tongue and pull it upward to touch the bridge of the nose. (When it can be done – you have reached eternal happiness and bliss!).

– It is also useful to sit in the water to the navel, inserting a bamboo tube in the ass. This also somehow enlightens.

– Every day you need to swallow five-meter strips of tissue, and then pull them back – it purports to purify the digestive tract. In my opinion kabezdets esophagus is guaranteed, no?

– Well, on the sweet – you can spit on all the covenants and diets, but if you during sex with a woman blowing a tube of semen back into the penis – you’ll be the coolest yogi!

Well, how?

It is clear that modern hatha yoga does not do anything, in view of obvious inconveniences. They prefer to read there, they do not read there, and there they wrap the fish.

But sorry, then what right have you to say to yourself that you are engaged in hatha yoga? What do you use for thousands of years proven methods? The real hatha yoga is she, in the Pradipika. I do not like? Is it out of date? Well, then there is nothing to tryndet about ancient Indian wisdom and that kind of nonsense.

What the modern hatha yogis are doing is a lesser part – randomly torn exercises (on the principle of the least ugly) from the canonical texts, and mostly invented by the various poses of guru-scammers from yoga, which in Pradipik does not smell.

This is a ridiculous story.

The founder of modern pose yoga is Krishnamacharya, who taught yoga in the first half of the 20th century and his most famous disciples: Iyengar, Joyce, Devi, Desikachar. At 99%, what is practiced now in the western yoga centers is all the fictions of this gang of watering can.

They naturally invented a bunch of idiotic poses, on their way, that they took them from the most ancient Indian treatise “The Yoga of Kuruntus” and some other books that nobody saw in the eye, because they either burned in a fire, or they were eaten by ants.

Singleton writes:

“Yoga Kuruntu” is one of the “lost” texts, which became central to the teachings of Krishnamacharya. It is quite another matter of the “Yoga Rahasya” of Shri Nathamuni, which Krishnamacharya took visually at the age of sixteen. Some learned husbands believe that the stanzas “Yoga Rahasya” is a patchwork of other, more famous texts, plus Krishnamacharya’s own additions (Somdeva Vasudeva, personal communication on March 20, 2005), while some students of Krishnamacharya question the origin of the work itself . For example, Shrivats Ramaswami, who had been engaged in Krishnamacharya for more than thirty-three years, until his death in 1989, recalls that when he asked the teacher where the text “Yoga Rahasya” could be got, he “with a laugh” advised the Ramaswami to visit Help in the Saraswati Mahal Library in Tanjore (Ramaswami 2000: 18). The library replied that such a text never existed, and Ramaswamy, noticing that the slokas recited by Krishnamacharya, undergo constant changes, came to the conclusion that the work is “his own masterpiece of his guru” (18). It is possible that the “Yoga Kurunta” – the same “inspired” text attributed to the legendary ancient sage, to give him the authority of tradition … ”

Naturally, these scammers partly took exercises from the usual Western gymnastics and a certain conglomerate of useful and harmful postures / exercises turned out. They also added rhetoric about ancient Indian wisdom and the path to enlightenment – which Western fashionable fools came very close to the court, and successfully vparili all this to the world.

And the funny thing is that these same comrades, being kind of like the founders of the gymnastic “hatha” yoga, angrily reject Kriya – the purifying techniques from the “Hatha Yoga of Pradipika”, the same abominations:

“As we read in Krishnamacharya (1941),” many people think that yoga kriya (ie shatkarma, purifying techniques) is a part of yoga, and they will prove it. But the main source of yoga, Patanjali Darshan (namely Yogasutra), does not include them … It is very disappointing that they desecrate the name of yoga … “(Jacobsen and Sundaram 2006: 18).

How do you selective logic? They chose Patanjali as the main source of yoga, therefore they rejected “enemas”, because they are not there, but at the same time asanas from Pradipika were used as a basis for practice (but Patanjali does not include them either!). Such artistic carving according to classical sources.

I think, has already brought enough facts to confirm the following theses:

– there is no yoga or that as a single, integral system, it is not even defined as a concept;

– there is no authoritative source that could be used as a basis for the formation of such a system;

– there is no (and never existed) any universally recognized guru, authority, whose opinion could be taken as a basis;

– Moreover, the most famous gurus are only charlatans and businessmen who simply exploit a reverential attitude to “ancient Indian wisdom” …

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