Frustration of intermittent hot flashes

Attacks of aggression, verbal insults, assaults are characteristic signs of excessive temper. Any person can freak out, but often aggressiveness is caused by a disorder of intermittent quick temper, which is more often affected by a strong half of humanity.

A characteristic feature of the described disorder is inadequate response to an insignificant situation, the slightest excuse, criticism, causticity, stress, difficulties in relationships. Each subject is able to flare up, but most still able to control the excessive emotional response, but with the disorder considered, the individual in his own reactions is irresistible. His fury always goes beyond what is permitted and is inclined to recur periodically.

The disorder of faltering temper is called behavioral deviations, characterized by explosive episodes of anger, often reaching apogee. Such outbreaks are disproportionate to the circumstances that gave rise to them. Impulsive aggressiveness is involuntary and is caused by a disproportionate response to any provocation, actual or planned. Some individuals demonstrate affective transformations before a seizure.

The described deviation is a serious mental health disorder that needs to be treated, as it can develop into violence. May be affected by friends, colleagues, relatives. Individuals suffering from such a disorder are at risk of developing other psychiatric abnormalities. Among them are cases of alcoholism and drug addiction. Also described disorder with age often causes problems with myocardium, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of hot temper is not without its relevance.

Today, this disorder is classified as a disruptive, impulsive disorder of self-control and behavioral response. Patients suffering from the described deviation show episodes characterized by a variety of bodily symptoms (sweating, palpitations, tightness in the squamous space, twitching). Aggressive behavior is often accompanied by a sense of relief, sometimes accompanied by a sense of pleasure. To replace these feelings comes a belated remorse.

A significant feature of this deviation is the emergence of discrete episodes of lack of resistance to aggressive drivers, leading to serious malicious acts or the destruction of things.

The degree of aggression manifested during an outbreak is not proportional to provocation or to the influence of a psychosocial stressor.

It is difficult to diagnose the described deviation, since it is possible to diagnose only when other mental disorders are excluded, which can also be accompanied by episodes of hot temper, for example, antisocial or borderline personality disorder, manic episode, behavioral disorders.

In addition, similar clinical manifestations can be observed due to Alzheimer’s disease, direct physiological effects of certain chemicals (pharmacopeia drugs, narcotic drugs), head injuries.

The signs of the disorder in question are usually attributed to the following:

– Several discrete attacks of refusal to resist aggressive incentives, causing violent negative emotions or destruction of property;

– The degree of aggression manifested in the outbreak is incommensurable with the psychosocial stressor;

– outbreaks of aggression are not due to the presence of other pathologies of the psyche.

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